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I went to my brother's yesterday and we went to the cemetery to take the flowers for Ted's grave and our parents grave. I brought Sparky with me and I brought his cage. I put him on the front porch while we had our lunch but I had to put him in his cage as Don had put the trash out on the porch and Sparky bit a whole in the "steel sack" and got out a paper towel that had been use to clean up bacon grease. Sparky is not used to riding in the car and he spent the whole time whining. I thought maybe he needed a pit stop but in new places, he is so excited about sniffing everything that he doesn't go. I walked him several times at Don's and he still would not go. He held it until we got home.
It was sunny with the temp. in the 60's. In the afternoon, it was 68 on my deck. I was able to walk Sparky without my coat, hat, scarf, boots and gloves. It felt great. I saw some cherry trees blooming and some forsythia and star magnolias are getting ready to burst forth with their blooms.
I woke up around am this morning and thought it was Monday so I turned over and went back to sleep. I woke again at 6:15 and wondered what happened to Sunday. I had to quick get ready for the sunrise service. It was 28 degrees. I had to take Sparky out and scrape off my car. I wore long johns, corduroy pants, turtle neck, fleece shirt, winter coat, scarf, gloves and my Alpine hat that comes down over my ears and ties under my chin. I felt as if I were dressed for Christmas. It was dawn but the sun didn't rise over the canal before the service was over. Bummer. I had to quick drive home(about a mile), walk Sparky, change into my Easter outfit. (Yellow pants suit) and Yellow Easter bonnet and get to church for choir rehearsal and the service. I still have my cold and it is a nuisance.
Sparky will need to be walked and I have to make my Waldorf Salad for my niece's dinner.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
My Star-of-Bethlems are blooming. I was afraid I did not bring them from Vineland. It's just that it has been so cold this year that everything is late in blooming. This photo was taken in Vineland but they have started to bloom in my backyard.
I did some errands this morning and then rested for a while. After lunch, Cheryl and Ed came to borrow my card table and 4 chairs for their Easter dinner. They had some baby clothes to donate to the church mission so I went to open the church for them. I rested some more after they left. This cold still has me under the weather.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Tuesday, I went to the grocery store to get some things I needed. Redner's has a program that for each $100.00 you spend in a month, you get $.10 off a gallon of gas. I usually only get $.10 off and their are other stations that are cheaper. I lucked out this time and got $.30 per gallon off. That made the price $3.29 a gallon. Too bad I only needed half a tank. I was so excited about getting the thirty cents off that I forgot to to stop in the pet store to get Sparky's food.
Tuesday night, I went to the Ecumenical Assoc. meeting. I'm not always able to attend because of Choral Soc. practice. I didn't really feel up to it but I didn't want to miss another meeting. I did feel better in the afternoon than I had felt for over a week and a half. I still have the cough.
Wednesday, I went to Bible Study. I didn't feel up to going to that either but Pastor Mark had to leave the Ecumenical Assoc. meeting early and he wanted me to fill him in on what I missed. I got drafted into helping with the Holy Thursday Service. I don't feel up to that either.
I went to the pet store to get Sparky's food and rested the rest of the day and night except for taking him out. He seems to like to go out at the last 15 minutes of a movie.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to my concert on Saturday. It went well by, there were several of us coughing and clearing our throats. The church where we performed, Shrewsbury Episcopal, had a lovely dinner for us but my friend, Joan that I went with couldn't stay and I wasn't feeling very well anyway so I went on home with her.
Sunday, I was the lay reader at the Palm Sunday church service. I was still feeling under the weather. They had a pancake breakfast at 8:30 and then a combined service at 10:00. There was no Sunday School but I had to stay and help Ursula get the offing ready for deposit. I was glad to get home and curl up with my blanket.
Monday, I awoke to 2 inches snow on the ground. It was 31 degrees and snowed all day. The temp never moved above 35. It was a heavy wet snow and melted on the road and walks. Sparky loved running in the snow and eating it. I have a problem with drying off his feet. I don't know if someone beat him with a towel or he thinks I'm playing with him or what. He growls and acts like a wild maniac dog. I was afraid he was going to bite me. I finally picked him up and put him on the washing machine. I got the dog training treats and gave him one each time I dried his paws. He calmed down. Danny liked being dried off. He hated being wet. This dog just wants to play and eat. He's always looking for food but not his dog food. He picks up things out on the grass or road before I spot it to pull him away. Kids drop food and chewing gum on there way to the bus stop across from me. I think the trash men spilled some chicken bones on the road. I had to pry them out of his mouth. He's always grabbing gum tree seed pod balls, acorns, sticks and pieces of wood from the mulch in my flowerbeds. He keeps me hopping.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I took this photo of Star of Bethlehem March 28, 2010 in Vineland. I thought I brought some with me beut I don't see any yet as it's still winter here. There are a few spring flowers but a few is all. The magnolias are usually in bloom by now but now this year. It was 23 degrees this morning and not much above 30 right now.
My cold is still hanging on. I went to Walgreen's and asked the Pharmacist what she recommended. She said Delsym, Benedril, asperin, plenty of liquids, and use the humidifier at night.
I haven't been using the humidifier because the lake across the street keeps this place plenty humid. I'll try it tonight. I stopped at Redner's to get some juice. I don't usually drink juice because it's too sweet for me. I got some red grapefruit juice.
It was sunny this morning but I see clouds moving in. Yesterday, we had snow flurries. I hate winter this time of year. I was hoping since March came in like a lion, it would go out like a lamb. No such luck this year. It's been a lion the whole month. I have a lot of weeding to do but it's just too cold. I have some weeds that seem to thrive through the winter. My west side flowerbed is a mess with weeds and so is the front out by the fence. I had them all cleaned up in the fall.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Remembering Grandmom on the anniversary of her birthday.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Around 11:30 this morning, I took Sparky out and heard a weird noise in the trees in back of the house. It was a bird whistle that I never heard before. Then a large black bird flew out of the trees and circled around toward the lake across the road. I saw a flash of its white tail and realized it was a bald eagle. I didn't think anymore of it until I took Sparky out at 4pm. There was a dead fish laying in the back yard. It was a blue gill or a sunfish; I don't know the difference. It's about six or eight feet down to the spillway so I don't know how it could have jumped up from there and the water is only a couple inches deep.. Either a raccoon brought it there or the eagle dropped it. It was very strange.
I felt somewhat better today but didn't go to Bible Study. I just laid around watching movies on the television. I went out to walk Sparky and to go to the mailbox. I didn't go to the Lenten Soup or Service tonight either. I am still a little tired and I didn't want to spread my cold germs around. The service was at the Ukaranian Orthodox Church and the Presbyterian Pastor was giving the sermon. I enjoyed it last year. I want to rest up and get well for my concert on Saturday.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The concert went very well Sunday afternoon but that night when I got home, my throat was sore and my sinuses were clogged. Yesterday morning I felt awful. I took my movie back to the library and got some chicken soup at JoJo's. I felt even worse this morning. I could hardly drag myself out of bed to take Sparky out. I went right back to bed. He cuddled up next to me as though he understood how I felt. I took some DayQuil and felt a little better but I dragged around when I took him out. I called Joan and told her I was sick and couldn't make it to the concert tonight. I hope I am better for Saturday's concert because Nancy is going away on vacation and we will be short on sopranos.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
A Mennonite Church on Frenchtown Road. I don't know if it is in Delaware or Maryland. The border runs across Frenchtown Road and the church is very near to it.
I adorned myself in green for St. Patrick's Day. My great grandparent's came from Ireland but were from Northern Ireland and although their name sounds Irish it is actually Scotch/Irish. Where I grew up near Philadelphia, nearly everyone wore green on St. Patrick's Day whether they were Irish or not.
I went to church, sung in the choir, helped Ursula with the offering, got my ham and potatoes from the dinner the church had last night. I didn't see any cabbage available. Some one was supposed to package up a dinner for me but must have forgot. I also took home a dessert. I was changing my clothes and then walked into the kitchen and wondered what Sparky was getting into. Somehow, he got my peach pie out of my canvas bag which was on the kitchen chair and was trying to unwrap the plastic wrap. It looks like a bite is taken out of it. I don't know if he got it or not. It was upside down on the floor and the plastic still seemed to be around it.
Time for lunch and then get ready for my concert today.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Joanne's 75th Birthday celebration. She is seated with her grandchildren. Joanne is my niece's mother-in-law. She used to live near me and always included me in their family gatherings. She had a happy time surrounded by family and friends.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Daffodils blooming on March 11th. They are on the west side and get lots of light.
One lone Dutch Iris blooming. I don't know if anymore will bloom or not. I brought them from Vineland. I may have to plant them where they will get more sun.
Large purple crocuses.
I've been very busy. I had rehearsal for the concert Friday evening. I don't even remember what I day during the day on Friday.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Thursday, I went to exercise class but was really dragging. When I woke up, I could hardly wait until I could go back to bed. It was windy and cold. Every time I took Sparky out, I would be chilled to the bone so I'd lay on the sofa wrapped in my blanket. I watched movies on television and felt like sleeping but unable to fall asleep. I wasn't sure if I'd make it to choir but decided to go at the last minute. There was no fellowship dinner or Bible class because the outreach group was making Easter Eggs in the kitchen. They make one pound eggs of coconut cream, butter cream or peanut butter with either dark chocolate or milk chocolate coating.
When I got home from choir, I took Sparky out and finally got to go to bed. Sparky must have been tired too because he went to bed before me and then snuggled up to me when I got in.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Let's see if I can catch up.
Wednesday, I went to Bible Study and then my friend, Dottie came to go to the Lenten supper and service. The ladies of the AME church made soup and served hoagies sliced into small servings. The supper was held at my church because the AME doesn't have a social hall. I introduced her to all my friends and Pastor Mark sat with us. He was impressed that Dottie and I had been friends since we were four years old. After supper, we walked over to the AME church for the service. It is a Contemporary service and I think my friend, Dottie who is Roman Catholic was blown away. Pastor Dana of the AME hosted the service and the Reverend Deacon from St. Joseph's RC church gave the sermon. It was very uplifting and Spiritual. Dottie was in awe. She said she wished the Catholics would do something like that. They used to have Guitar Masses back in the sixties but I guess they don't do that anymore.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The peepers are back I heard them all day Sunday and yesterday. My daffodils are blooming on the west side and the temp today is 60 degrees but it rained all morning. I took Sparky out this morning. I thought he'd run out and right back in as he doesn't like getting wet but no, he went for his walk and we both got soaking wet. But the time I got us both dried off, I was too late for my exercise class.
I'm still tired from the time change and I have a dead mouse under the cabinet or floor in the bathroom. Sparky was sniffing around the bottom of the cabinet yesterday morning and then I thought I smelled a stink bug but the smell got worse as the day went on. Today, it is totally gross. I cut a hole in the bottom of the cabinet and fished around with a coat hanger but to no avail. I got air fresheners and scented candles in there but yuk. The door is closed, the vent is shut off and I rolled a towel and put it under the space of the door. It should dissipate by tomorrow. It doesn't last long but it is disgusting.
I thought it was clearing off but I see the western sky is dark with clouds. I have Choral practice again tonight and rehearsal on Friday.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I guess I was suffering from the time change as I was very tired today. I went to Choral practice tonight and now am ready for bed.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got up at 6;15 and it was dark out. I had to use the flashlight to take Sparky out. I took him out for his walk at 7;30 and got ready for church. It was 20 degrees and after the 60 degrees yesterday, I forgot about having to scrape the windshield of the frost. I was late for choir rehearsal. I went to church, helped Ursula with the offering, and then went to Sunday School.
I took Sparky out when I got home and then had some lunch. I put Sparky out on the deck and I broke up some more of the branches in the back yard. When I get all the little branches torn off, I stack the logs at the top of the embankment of the spill way. My flowerbeds look nice since I cleaned out the weeds and stickers. The crocuses are in full bloom. I hope I didn't rip out any flowers that I want. I hope they are dormant under the soil.
I talked to Ted's mother and then I took Sparky into town for a walk. He liked seeing all the people. A little girl petted him and she liked him. He is friendly to people and other dogs. A new shop owner had the door open and was cleaning out the shop getting ready to open. Sparky tried to run in the door. The lady laughed and petted him. She said he was being curious. He is that, he is curious about everything.
When we got home, we had some dinner. I had my left over meal from the Olive Garden. It was seafood lasagna. Sparky had dog food and then begged for my Irish soda bread. He loves it and goes nuts to get some. He is learning to sit so he sits in hopes I'll give him some. He really likes it and so do I.
I walked him down the road after dinner and then we settled down to watch a Jimmy Stewart movie. News from the Vorlon Wife..
I went to Redner's Supermarket this morning to get a few things. When I got back, I took Sparky out and then had some lunch. When I got done, Cheryl called me and said they were going to the Olive Garden for an early dinner at 3pm. Ed's mother was down so we met her at the Olive Garden.
I took Sparky out again when I got home and am ready to turn in early so I'm not exhausted because of the time change.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The photo of the yellow crocuses was taken on March 5th however, they were blooming on March 3rd. This are the standard variety and not the early snow crocuses. The snow crocuses seem to have a paler color than the regular ones. These are in a sunny location at the corner of the street and my driveway.
I haven't blogged in a couple days as I was tired at night and went right to bed.
Wednesday, I went to Bible Study and learned the Lenten Service was cancelled due the expected snow storm.
I went to exercise class today, It was a bright sunny day with high of 50 and 60 on my deck in the sun. Crocuses are blooming all over the flower beds. I went to JoJo's for breakfast with my friends from exercise class. I broke down some more branches and put Sparky on the deck. He likes being outdoors. After that, we rested until dinner time and then it was off to Choral Society for practice. We have three practices next week before our concerts.
I thought the storm may come before we got out but it didn't. It had clouded up but there were two stars out although they were dimmed by the clouds.
Sparky has a bad habit of biting playfully but I don't like it. He had something stuck in his fur on his face and I tried to pull if off and he yelped. I tried yelping the next time he started biting me and it seemed to work. He stopped immediately, looked at me and then licked the spot he had been biting. I guess you have to communicate in his language.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to the church this morning to do the reconciliation for the bank statement. Ursula was there to help me with it. Some deposits, and fees were not entered so we had to enter them. Also, an incorrect amount was entered in our account but the bank cleared the correct amount. That took awhile to figure out.
I took Spraky out when I got home, had some lunch, and went to do some errands and go to the supermarket. First, I dropped two clocks off to be repaired. I finally found a clock maker/fixer at the jewelry store where I got my watch band. One clock was the coo coo clock that Ted gave me our first Christmas after we were married. The other was an Anniversary Clock that me cousins gave my parents for their fiftieth anniversary. Next, I went in the pet store to get Sparky's dog food. I tried California Natural's Salmon and peas. He seems to get tired of the same thing all the time. He had been eating the Herring and sweet potato. He seemed to really like it at first but then got tired of it. Next, I went to the dollar store to get a few things and then to the Shop Rite supermarket for groceries. They had the corned beef on sale and also the cabbage so I wanted to get it for St. Patrick's Day. They also had strawberries for $1.99.
It was cold and windy when I got home. I guess the cold air is moving in for the big storm. Last report has us getting 5 to 8 inches. Maybe more, maybe less but that low is forming off the coast and it could be bad news like those blizzards that dumped 2 and 3 feet on us. It could also be rain so we'll see.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to church and helped Ursula with the offering. I went down to Sunday School. I always arrive late but I enjoy it so much. I get there in time for the discussion and still, I am able to add to it. I walked Sparky when I got home and had some lunch. I put Sparky out on a lead while I broke down some more branches. Sparky kept getting tangled in my flower beds and he has taken to eating the gum tree pods, sticks, and pieces of wood chips from the mulch I have on the flower beds. He even ate a piece of particle board that was out in the yard and well weathered. I tried taking it out of his mouth and it kept breaking apart. He managed to eat some of it and later threw up on the bed. I had to wash the sheet I have covering the bed and the comforter under it. What a mess he is. Four times when walking him, I had to pry his mouth open and fish out the chewing gum he picked up on the road..
News from the Vorlon Wife.
In memory of my husband, Ted whose birthday was today. I miss him so much. I can't comprehend what happened to him. He was so strong, healthy, and vibrant.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to the Acme Supermarket to get some Irish Soda Bread and they were out. It was only 9:30am. Peebles Dept. Store was having a big sale with 85% off. They had nothing in my size. I went to K-Mart and did find a birthday gift for Ted's Grandniece. I got my prescription at Walgreens and then came home to walk Sparky and get some lunch. It was cold out but I did some work in the yard. I have a huge pile of branches in the back yard so I broke some of the down into little piles but still have a lot more to do. Someone can use the wood for their wood stove or campfire so I'm getting them ready to be hauled away. I got a couple Agatha Christie Miss Marple movies and watched them tonight.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Sparky taking time to smell the roses but in this case, snow crocuses. It got cold again; there were no spring peepers peeping last night. This morning, I had some yellow snow crocuses blooming out front. It clouded up so I don't know if they are still blooming.
I went to the Doctor's this morning for a check up. I checked out fine but it's time for a multitude of tests: bloodwork, mamogram, dexogram, colonoscopy. Urg!
News from the Vorlon Wife.