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I was up early again today and off to the garage to get new tires on my car and to get the air conditioner fixed. The air conditioner needed a hose. I was relieved until I heard the price of the hose was $110.00 plus labor. What a bummer. I took Sparky out when I got home, had some lunch and am on my way to Don's.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to church and took care of the offering, prepared the deposit and went to Sunday School.
Sunday School got out early so I came home to do some wash and do some more weeding. I was still tired out from the yard work on Saturday.
I went to the Acme Super Market. They had a lot of things on sale for $1.00. I got chicken breasts and thighs, Tasty pies and forgot the eggs. I intended to get 2 dozen of the large eggs for $1.00 each. I planned to hard boil a dozen for the homeless people at the Kanal Kitchen Luncheon of Saturday. Maybe I can go back later.
I watched one of the movies I got from the library but it turned out to be one I had seen before. I watched it anyway as I forgot how it turned out.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It was a busy day. I took Sparky to the Vet to get his kennel cough and K-9 flu shots. He also got his nails trimmed. I asked the ass't if he were good. He said," I wouldn't say he was good but he didn't try to bite me." Sparky doesn't like his nails done or his feet dried. He's like a wild dog.
I went to the bank and the library for some movies.
I cut the grass in the afternoon and did some weeding. I was done in for the rest of the day.
News from the Vorlon Wife
My dogtooth violet is blooming. This photo was taken in Vineland in March 2010.
I've had a busy time. Tuesday afternoon, I went to my brother's so I could go to his Dr. visit with him early Wednesday morning. Sparky did OK but I have to watch him because he gets into everything and is curious about everything. I put him in his cage while we went to the Dr.'s. I have mixed feelings about the doctor's report. Don had a polyp removed last Nov. but it had to be scraped off and not all of it could be removed. He needs to get another colonoscopy to see if it had grown. I hope and pray that it has not because if it has, Don will need more surgery for another resection. While I was at Don's, I talked to my friend, Sylvia across the street. She said her sister who has been my good friend since early childhood, has cancer. It is a slow growing cancer but not operable and will require chemo treatment. Carol is in my prayers.
Yesterday, I did some weeding along the walk on the west side. It will still need more weeding. I tried to hire a kid who has asked for work but she did seem to be interested in weeding. I think she wants to cut the grass but I feel she is too young to run the mower and I don't want kids doing that.
I called the propane company and I have to wait until my gas gets down to 5% before I can change companies. I have 30% and have raised my thermos stat so I could use it up. The new company charges a dollar less per gallon. The old company also charges $40.00 service charge to remove the tanks. What a bummer.
After dinner, I went to choir practice. My friend, Tina was there and she gave me a quart of her homemade vegetable beef soup and a corn muffin. I will have it for lunch today.
I did the red load of wash today and hung it up in my shower as it is raining. I put an extra shower curtain in the middle of my shower so I could hang clothes there. I vacuumed the living room and ran the sweeper in the kitchen, hallway and laundry room.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I did more weeding yesterday and went to yoga class. I put the news on the radio and waited outside to find out where the horrible bombing took place. It just breaks my heart; I almost cried. I have been in and gone to many races. Ted ran the Marine Corps Marathon in Washington, DC. I waited at the finish line for him. There were thousands of people watching and cheering the runners on. It's just horrible. There are some evil sicko's in this world. I just can't imagine what the people are going through. There have been helicopters flying up and down the canal this morning watching for any suspicious activity. The canal is a major shipping route between Philadelphia and Baltimore and points south.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Yesterday, I took a branch to the wood pile out back and a big brown/black snake had been sunning itself on the wood pile. I didn't see how big it was, I only saw part of it slithering away. EW!. I'm glad I moved the pile last week when it was still cold and the snakes were hibernating.
I did some more weeding and mulching on the west side flower garden. I still have a lot to do. The other side of the walk on the west side needs to be done as well as the two sides of the driveway. Out front along the fence needs to be done on both sides. That's what needs to be weeded. They also need mulching. The east side along the walk needs mulching and along the back yard where I yanked out all the weeds and vines needs mulching. I did put some around the little trees and azaleas but if I put flowers back there, they will need the mulch because it gets so dry there. I guess all the trees suck up the moisture.
I called my Aunt Jean, my brother told me she moved into an assisted living home. She had been so disparately lonely in her apartment. She never saw anyone during the day and night. I understand that. I do have friends and activities but I have to come home to an empty house and eat by myself. Sparky helps but it still is lonely. My Aunt had a mini stroke a few years ago that affected her memory a little. She told the assisted living place and now they are treating her as if she had dementia or alzhimers. They stopped her from driving her car and ran after her when she went out to look at the flowers. They had her sit with a lady who was sitting by herself and it was OK at first but the lady uses fowl language so my aunt sat with some other ladies. The server told her she had to sit with the lady she was assigned to. When my aunt refused, he took her dishes away and didn't serve her any dinner. I'm going to have to tell her daughter to look into it. Her daughter works for a large legal firm in Philadelphia.
It looks like rain today. I hope I can get the rest of the lime on the lawn before it starts. There is no wind this morning so I'd better get to it.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I am behind on my blogging. I wish I could publish on my tablet. I have been doing some yard work. I have weeded and spread the mulch about three quarters down the west side flower garden. I planted the hyacinth I got for Easter. I have been running around to different places doing errands. Yesterday, the Vet had a Heartworm clinic. With Heartworm and Flea medications 25 % off. Luckily, I was able to pre-order over the internet. When I got there, the line was out the door and down the length of the building. I was able to pick up my Heartworm Medication at a table they had set up outside. People were lined up with their dogs. There were all kinds of dogs. Sparky had a wonderful time meeting all the dogs.
They had vendors outside giving away things. I got a chocolate eclair donut and a cup of water ice from one of the local ice cream stores called Brusters. The water ice was like Rita's creamy like sherbet. I stopped at a community yard sale on the way home. I got a couple packs of colored toner for my printer. They were a dollar earch. I went to the jewelers and got my clocks. I hung my coo coo clock. I was a little disappointed as a wire was not connected inside the clock. I was able to attach it and evidently got it right as it is working but I have to adjust the pendulum; it is running slow. It has a new pendulum. The old one was worn out and wouldn't stay in the proper place. My anniversary clock is not working so it has to go back. It runs for about 2 minutes and stops. That's what it did before I took it in.
Thursday, my friend, Tina joined our exercise class and went to JoJo's with us. Tina recently retired. She really enjoyed the class.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got Sparky out early and went to the Hospital in Elkton for my mammogram and bone density scan. I was in and out in less than an hour. I went a little further down the road and filled up my gas tank at the Valero station. It was $3.329. Maryland is planning on adding another $.20 tax the the gas. I don't know how they can be so stupid. Everyone will go to DE for gas. I took Sparky out when I got home and then went to my Bible Study class. Another day that I planned on doing yard work but today was hotter than yesterday. It was 95 on the west side and 91 on the east side. I put my air conditioner on yesterday and again today. I did have the doors open until the afternoon when the air kicked on.
I trimmed off some of Sparky's fur; he was one hot dog. His fur is a lot thicker than Danny's was. It feels like wool fleece. I gave him some chipped ice to chew on. He really likes it.
I did some computer work and that was about it for today. I had the rest of my tuna salad and coleslaw for lunch with a big bowl of ice cream for dessert. .I made a big spinach salad with broccoli, carrots, tomatoes, ham and cheese for dinner. I finished the grapefruit and had some more apricots.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to exercise in the morning and to JoJo's with my friends. We had two new ladies join us.
I had plans of doing yard work but it was too hot. It went up into the 90's. My friends star magnolia was in full bloom in the morning and by afternoon, it was wilting and dropping it's beautiful blossoms.
I did some grocery shopping and made myself a huge spinach salad for lunch.
I put some things into the shed and that was about it for the day. I made tuna salad and coleslaw for dinner with half a grapefruit and canned apricots.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The star magnolias are blooming.
I am behind on my blogging. Friday, I went for my blood work early in the morning. I hate going for blood work as I can't eat or drink anything before I go. With my cold and allergies, I need to have a cup of coffee to clear my sinuses and get me going. I took a cup with me so I could have it ready when I was done. I did some laundry and yard work when I got home.
Saturday: I got ready to go and get my clocks that are at the jewelers for repair. I took the coo coo clock and my parents anniversary clock. The jeweler called my last week and I couldn't remember whether he was just calling to let me know how much it would cost or if he said they were ready. It's a good thing I called before I went because he had just given me the cost of what it would be. He said it takes a long time for coo coo clocks especially if they are old. Mine is over 40 years old. Ted gave it to me for our first Christmas after we were married. He said it took his 4 months.
I did more laundry and yard work. I finished cleaning up my brush and branch pile in the back yard. I put the large branches along the back of my flower garden against the woods and the bank of the spillway. I raked the leaves further back and put the small branches behind the tree in the corner of the property.
Sunday: I went to church early. I thought we'd be having choir rehearsal but the Chorus from the high school were performing. I had forgotten and I wasn't at choir practice to find out. A nineteen year old boy gave the sermon. Dan is a fine Christian young man but I have mixed feelings about people giving the sermon who are not ordained or at least a student minister, deacon or elder. We have several retired pastors and a newly ordained pastor who heads up the camp center who are members of our congregation. Ursula was not there. Her husband is having health problems and she is turning the Treasurer position over to me. I feel overwhelmed by it all. I hope I can find someone to help me. When I got done getting the deposit ready, I went to Sunday School. I came home walked Sparky, washed the sheets and hung them out on the line. It was a nice warm spring day. I opened the doors and put up the storm windows. I even ran the overhead fan to cool the place down.
I went to my niece's to get my car insurance card. My desk top computer is down and I don't have the printer hooked up to my laptop. Cheryl's husband printed it out for me. Cheryl's cousin and her husband were visiting. I asked Janet how old her son was thinking he was a little boy but the little boy is 19 years old. My how time flies. Janet and her husband cleaned out their storage locker and found a lot of her son's baby toys in the back of the storage locker so they brought them for Ethan. They were in good shape. One was Thomas the Train that Ethan could sit on and push with his feet. There were all kinds of nice toys in good condition. Ethan didn't know what to play with first.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I took my microwave to Sears. It was still under warranty so I am able to get it fixed. It is having the same problem it did last year. It's a good thing I renewed the warranty. I went to my niece's for dinner.
Tuesday: I went to exercise class and then helped Ursula with the filing and so forth. I did a little weeding but it was cold and windy.
Wednesday: I did some wash and hung it out on the line. It was windy so it dried quickly.
Thursday: I went to exercise class and then to JoJo's for a grilled sticky bun and a cup of tea. I walked Sparky when I got home and had some chicken noodle soup for lunch. It was good on a cold day. I am so sick and tired of winter. There are some cherry trees blooming also daffodils and hyacinths. the crocuses are still in bloom. The star magnolias are swelled up and will probably bloom when it warms up. Hopefully that will be tomorrow. I did the Federal portion of my taxes today. I'll do the state tomorrow. I didn't go to choir practice. I am still tired out from my cold and now the pollen is getting to me.
I am getting spam comments and sometimes have to remove the comment option because the spammer seems to lock onto a certain date and keeps putting their unwanted comments on it. I wish those people would get a life of their own and leave me and others alone.
News from the Vorlon Wife.