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I got up early, did some wash, put it out on the line. While the washer was running, I put two roasting pans of chicken in the oven. When all that was done, I went to the church do cut the checks that I got ready from yesterday. That all went smoothly.
After lunch, I went down to Indian Acres Campground to look a a camper for sale there. Several of my friends have places there. It is a nice campground with a beautiful pool, boat docks, playgrounds, and ball fields. The camper I looked at has two bedrooms, livingroom, family room, kitchen, bath, and a large screened in room. It is around the corner from my friend and next to her son's camper. It includes all the appliances, a golf cart, and a large shed. It is a campground where you own the land. There is an annual association fee that is very reasonable. The people had a job change and now live too far away to come to the campground. I love the pool and they annual fee is less than joining a swim club or YMCA. I made an offer but the lady has to talk it over with her husband and he will get back to me.
I had a meeting tonight at the Chesapeake City Ecumenical Assoc. We are planning activities for the coming year. Next is the Vacation Bible School, followed by a golf tournament. The group helps poor and disadvantage people. We have a food bank and clothing for people. We also have a Christmas Toy Drive and sing Christmas Carols in the park. There are 7 or 8 churches from different denominations in the group. It is a wonderful organization.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I did some wash and went to the church to do some of the accounting. I spent 2 hours researching things. I paid some bills but will have to go back tomorrow to pay the ones I was researching. I have to wait for someone to get back to me with the information.
I had some corn on the cob and a big salad for lunch and for dinner. The fresh corn is really good. Sparky likes it too.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to church and then helped with the deposit for the offering. I then went to the pet food store and the Acme Supermarket to get us some food. The farmer was out with their corn so I got a half dozen. I had one for lunch along with a salad using Rex's tomatoes.
Sparky is sticking to me like glue. I guess he missed me. We had a good rain shower this afternoon. It really pelleted the roof.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
We got an early start to leave Chincoteague. I wanted to get to the kennel at the Vet to get Sparky before they closed. Preferably before 11:00 so I wouldn't be charge for another day. If I didn't get there by noon, they would close and I wouldn't be able to get Sparky until Sunday night. Sparky was a wild thing when they brought him out. He acted like he didn't know me. He wanted to sniff the other dogs in the waiting area. It was clinic day so it was packed with people and pets. I had to have Don help me put on Sparky's leash. I couldn't hold him and hook the leash. He was trying to jump out of my arms. I think he was glad to be out of his cage.
I was amazed to notice there were no barns on the Eastern Shore of VA or MD below Salisbury and few after that including DE. Not even an old delapadated barn. There were also no dairy farms. I did not see one cow for a hundred miles. There were lots of corn fields and the area is know for Perdue chicken farms. Also lots of horse farms. I don't know where they stored the hay.
We made it to the vet's by 11:40 and home by 12:30. Don and I got some lunch at JoJo's.
I rested for the rest of the day except for walking Sparky. My neighbor, Rex gave me some tomatoes. I had some with my dinner.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
This morning, we took a drive to see if we could see the ponies going back to Assateague but they had already gone at 7am. We decided to go to Assateague to look around the Nature Center. They had a bus tour of the Island to view the wildlife so we went on the tour. We saw lots of the ponies in their natural habitat. They were regrouping after their ordeal. The stallions were rounding up their mares and the mares did not want to leave their babies behind. The firemen had a hard time getting them to leave Chincoteague. They had to try three times to get them to swim over to Assateague. We also saw lots of birds. There were Great Egrets, Snowy Egrets, Ibis, Yellow legs, Sandpipers, geese, summer tanagers,three kinds of terns, and a Delmarva squirrel. The squirrel is grey but larger that the Grey Squirrel. It is a ground squirrel as it is too large to jump from tree to tree. They are slower and less agile.
We went back to Chincoteague to get some lunch of a pizza and the back to Assateague to the beach. We walked along the water's edge and saw several pelicans. When we left the beach,we took a walk to where the bus driver told us there was an eagle's nest. We did not see it but we did see an eagle soaring high in the sky. When we got back to the nature center, we went to a program on the Assateague Lighthouse. After the program, it was back to the motel. I took a swim before getting ready for dinner. We had a nice dinner at AJ's. We both got the fresh tuna. It was excellent. After dinner, we went down town to one of the shops. Don wanted a t shirt with the lighthouse on it. We finished the day with an ice cream at Muller's Old Fashion Ice Cream Parlor.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It was cloudy and cool today. My sneakers were still soaking wet so I wore sock with my sandals as my feet were cold. The sun started to come out but it didn't last. First, we went to the Carnival Grounds to see the auction of the ponies. I went to the Firemen's booth and got an official T- Shirt and a book about Misty. Then, we went to see the movie, "Misty" at the little theatre in town. Misty was a free Matinee for Pony Penning Week. It was a good movie and the theatre was packed. Friends of the theatre sponsored the matinee and are restoring the theatre. They want to put it on the historical society.
When we left the movie, we went to the Pony Centre. We heard there were a lot of activities and a museum there but we didn't see much except for the gift shop. They had pony rides for children. When we left there, we got some lunch and went to the Chincoteague Museum. Ralph Bebee gave a presentation. He is the grandson of Clarence Bebee who was the grandfather of the children in the movie. He owned the Bebee Ranch and sold ponies for his living. The children wanted a pony of their own to keep and not sell. They divised ways to earn money to buy the pony named Phantom. What a surprise when Phantom had a foal they named Misty. Misty and her daughter, Stormy had been stuffed by taxidermy and are on display at the museum.
We were so stuffed from lunch that we weren't hungry for dinner. We decided to go to the Firemen's Carnival to get some clam and oyster fritters. My Pastor recommended the oyster fritter so I got that and Don got the clam fritter. I didn't really care for it. I ate half and that was enough for me. I usually like things like that. Maybe it was because I wasn't that hungry. We took another look at the ponies that were corraled there. The foals are the only ones that get sold. The older horses are too wild and hard to tame.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
A beautiful sunny day for the Chincoteague Pony swin turned into this. We were standing in a swamp, surrounded by water when a thunderstorm suddenly blew in. The ponies had already started so they had to keep going. Some clown standing next to me had an aluminum beach umbrella. The people around him kept telling him to take it down. He just grabbed ahold of the aluminum pole. The firemen kept blasting him over the loudspeaker to take it down. Finally, his son came and took it down. I don't think he spoke English. We had to wade through the mud to get to the pony swim area. Then had to wait over two hours with sunscreen. bug repellent, and sweat on our skin. The rain was cold and came down hard. Everyone was drenched. I took a couple photos and then packed up. The firemen let us go back via their pier but I couldn't find my shoes and had to walk barefoot for a couple miles. It looked like a wet T shirt contest. By the time we got back, the sun came out again. After showering for the third time, (One this morning, one by the rain, and another to get the mud off) Don and I had our lunch on the deck of the motel. I threw our muddy, wet clothes in the motel washer and dryer.
My blue straw hat made my hair blue. I felt like I was right in style with the younger generation. It got all over my hands when I took the hat off. Shoes, hat, back pack, etc are drying on our balcony. I guess we'll go down to the Firemen's Carnival to see the ponies and look at the vendor booths.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
A beautiful sunny day for the Chincoteague Pony swin turned into this. We were standing in a swamp, surrounded by water when a thunderstorm suddenly blew in. The ponies had already started so they had to keep going. Some clown standing next to me had an aluminum beach umbrella. The people around him kept telling him to take it down. He just grabbed ahold of the aluminum pole. The firemen kept blasting him over the loudspeaker to take it down. Finally, his son came and took it down. I don't think he spoke English. We had to wade through the mud to get to the pony swim area. Then had to wait over two hours with sunscreen. bug repellent, and sweat on our skin. The rain was cold and came down hard. Everyone was drenched. I took a couple photos and then packed up. The firemen let us go back via their pier but I couldn't find my shoes and had to walk barefoot for a couple miles. It looked like a wet T shirt contest. By the time we got back, the sun came out again. After showering for the third time, (One this morning, one by the rain, and another to get the mud off) Don and I had our lunch on the deck of the motel. I threw our muddy, wet clothes in the motel washer and dryer.
My blue straw hat made my hair blue. I felt like I was right in style with the younger generation. It got all over my hands when I took the hat off. Shoes, hat, back pack, etc are drying on our balcony. I guess we'll go down to the Firemen's Carnival to see the ponies and look at the vendor booths.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
We got out early to take Sparky to the Kennel at 8am. It seemed like a long drive. We got to Chincoteague and then on to Assateague to have lunch on the beach. They had picnic tables on the beach. After we ate, we went to the pony corral to see the ponies. We went to the motel to check in. The air conditioning felt good as it was hot and muggy all day. We rested a bit and then took a ride to check out the town. It has a cute little historic down town area. We rested up some more from the heat and then went to dinner at Don's Seafood Restaurant. We both got the crab cakes. They were excellent. We took another ride over to Assateague to walk to the lighthouse. It was closed for renovations. I had some wrist bands for misquitos but they were worthless. We made a bee line for the car. We drove around to where the ponies will swim across tomorrow. The road had a nice view of the lighthouse across the marsh.
Our motel is on the bay and our balcony has a lovely view of the sunset.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I had a dental appointment this morning for my check up. Then I went to the church to enter some stuff into the computer. When I got home, I got some of my things ready for my vacation. Don came about 3PM to stay overnight so we could get an early start in the morning.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to church and did the offering deposit. It cooled off somewhat. It's in the 80's rather and 90. Humidity is still here so it is still summer. Lots of toads and frogs hopping around. I even saw a little snake when taking Sparky out tonight. I didn't know snakes came out at night. Perhaps it is too hot in the day time. I don't know if it was a garter snake or a baby water snake. Water snakes give live births. I hope I don't have a bunch of them crawling around. UG!
I didn't do too much but I do feel a lot better than I did yesterday.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Temp got up to 103 yesterday and it's another hot, humid, horrible day today. I cut the grass at 8am. Wanted to get it done as it's forecast to rain all week starting tonight. There was already a sprinkle at 10:30. Breeze is blowing and clouds are coming in from the west.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Hydrangea. Mine are supposed to be blue and I thought the soil was extremely acidic here. What a surprise when I got lavender and pink flowers on them. As I was weeding the other day, I saw where I had put limestone stones next to the skirting which is next to the flowerbeds. The limestone must have leached out into the soil and changed the ph. I put some Miracid on them but I guess it's too late once they bloom. I put more on. I got some Holly Tone to put on all the acid loving plants.
It will be another scorching hot day. It was 80 at 5am. The morning air was hot when I took Sparky out. This place has been looking like a cave. I close all the blinds and pull the curtains shut to block out the heat. At least I have shade until noon. Some of my neighbors homes are in the hot sun all day.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Sparky went to the groomer this morning. He was there about 5 hours. I was beginning to worry. It was the first time I left him at a groomer but it's been so hot, I wanted to get him clipped short. I cut him with the scissors but he doesn't sit still and I don't have the equipment that groomers have. He looks like a different dog. I asked them not to cut his tail or ears. The ears are fine but the tail looks like a rat tail. They said he didn't like his face touched. I said he didn't like his feet touched either but she said he didn't mind his feet, just his face. I can probably let it get in until next summer and just get his feet and face trimmed up.
It was extremely hot; 110 on the west side and 103 on the east side were the highs for the day. The air conditioner couldn't keep up with it. It ran all day and only cooled down to 86 in here. I set the thermometer to 75 thinking I could get it nice and cool before the Power Company shut it off. They didn't shut it off today and it didn't get cooled down in here. I put on the overhead fans and I had the window fan sitting on the livingroom floor. I put a bowl of ice in front of it but Sparky wouldn't leave it alone. He likes ice cubes and kept taking them out of the bowl. It would have worked fine but he would have had melted ice cubes all over the place. I didn't do much in this heat. I read my book and that was about it.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to Bible Study early this morning so I could cut a check for the lawn service man. After Bible Study, I hurried home, took Sparky out, had a quick lunch of PB&J and went to the hair dresser. I got a new perm. My hair looks like my picture on the upper right corner. I had curls put in and tomorrow, Sparky goes to the Groomer to have his curls cut off. It was extremely hot today. 98 was the official temp with 102 on my deck. I took Sparky out in the back yard. He didn't stay out long. I was watching television and it got awful hot in here. I realized the air was not on. The temp was 85. I pushed run program and nothing happened. I figured the power company cut it back. I turned on the overhead fans, got a window fan out of the yellow bedroom and put it in the livingroom. I then turned on the whole house fan to suck the hot air out. The power company cuts back the air if there is danger of a brownout or blackout. I think they do it between 4 and 6 PM. I heard the air go on for a few minutes and then off again. It's supposed to hold it at 80 degrees but it managed to go up to 86. It's still 82 in here. I put the air on hold at 79. It will be on that all night. I hope it cools the place down. Tomorrow will be another scorcher.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I was up early and took Sparky out before the sun was up. I went to the garage to have my car worked on and my friend, Tina, picked me up. We first went to the hardware store where Tina got a key for her car and I got a bracket to hang my lamp. Next we went to JoJo's. Tina got breakfast and I got a big brownie and some coffee as I already had breakfast. Then, it was on to the church. Tina needed to use the paper cutter for some Bible School stuff and I took the empty money bags back to the church office.
It was another horribly hot day. I did some work, drilling holes, hammering, and installing my bracket for my lamp to hang near my dresser and a motions detector light for the shed to shine on the back yard. I got it up and working and now it is not working. I'm going to have to drag out the ladder again and see if I can make some adjustments. Otherwise, I'm going to have to take it back if it's defective. I got it at Walmart and it plugs into an outlet so I didn't have to call an electrician to install it. I just hope I can get it working.
It took all day for them to fix my car but now it's fixed.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I planted some phlox this morning and put some Miracid around my azaleas, evergreen bushes and hydrangea that are supposed to be blue but are mauve. I didn't get to all of them so will use the Holly Tone that I bought at Walmart on Friday.
I am waiting for the sun to burn off the heavy dew so I can get the rest of the grass cut before it gets too hot. I should have done it last evening but I was too tired. I also have to do some financial work at the church this morning.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I did a load of towels early this morning and got them hung out on the line before getting ready for church. I had so much washing to do, I couldn't do it all on Saturday.
I was part of a team to demonstrate the use of the AED (fibulator machine) in church this morning. It is required to demonstrate it twice a year. Kathy who is our CPR trainer had to work and asked me to do it. I explained where it was kept and showed how to use it and told them Kathy would be teaching a class on CPR for anyone who wanted the training. She doesn't charge anything to do this. She is a nurse at the Veterans hospital.
Ursula was not there this morning. She will be having surgery for breast cancer tomorrow. Kept her in your prayers. Tucker and I took care of the offering and made the deposit.
I walked Sparky when I got home and didn't get to start cutting the grass until 11:30. It was already too hot. I only cut the grass that was in the shade and will have to do it on Monday. The east side needs to be done and a patch on the west side. Even staying in the shade, I was soaked with sweat and squirted my water bottle on my face.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I did some things inside the house. It was too wet to cut the grass. I had 2.4 inches of rain in the rain gauge from Friday. I did do some weeding as it is a constant chore. I did some ironing. It seems to pile up with summer cottons. I have to keep Sparky out of the grass when we walk. He doesn't like being kept in the road but the fleas are terrible. I had to run to the vet on Friday to get some addition flea medication in the form of a pill. The Advantix II Plus didn't seem to be working. I had to wash everything. I cover up all the furniture so he doesn't get it dirty and it all had to be washed and the bed and furniture had to be vacuumed to make sure there are no eggs left behind. They also recommend to get a flea collar, cut it in little pieces and suck it up in the vacuum cleaner to kill any eggs that may be vacuumed up. UG!
News from the Vorlon Wife.
My beautiful yellow lilies. I took some to the church to use in Tina's flower arrangements for after my friend, Betty's funeral service.
Looks like I missed nearly a week of blogging. The week is a blur of rain and humidy. I took my car to get an estimate on my check engine light. It is a switch sensor so have to go back Tuesday to get it fixed. Wednesday, I went to Bible Study and helped Tina set up tables for serving food after my friend, Betty's funeral on Thursday. I brought some of my yellow lilies for Tina to use with her orange ones on the tables. Betty died of cancer. It so unbelievable. She was very energenic and outgoing. She was an avid golfer and loved sports. It is hard to attend funerals. It's so very emotional and reminds me of loved ones I have lost.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to church and Ursula was not there. Tucker helped me with the deposit of the offering. Sunday School seems to have fizzled out over the summer so I came home. There were not many in church. I guess people are away over the 4th of July weekend.
Another hot day. I watered my plants and bushes as the 90 degree weather dried things out quickly. I'm glad Cheryl gave me some food Friday; I didn't have to cook in this heat. She gave me some beans and franks, pasta salad, and a fruit salad with marshmallows that was my mother's recipe. When I took Sparky out after dinner, It looked like rain clouds moving in. After we got back, we had a little thunderstorm and shower.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
More horrible heat. We complained about weeks of rain now we're having weeks of heat over 90 degrees with it being over 100 on my deck. Sparky can't take it either.
I went to visit my friend's at Indian Acres, a campground, resort ant 20 minutes south of here. Rosie has 5 extra lots she wants to sell so I took a look at them. They are just empty lots. There are sheds on them but them are in bad condition and need to be torn down. One has a camper on it but her grandson is buying that one. The campground has a very nice pool that I would enjoy and the association fee is very reasonable. There was a camper across from Rosie's lots that was for sale. It had a lovely large screened in porch. The people lived in Middletown which is 15 minutes away but got transferred to somewhere in PA and are unable to get to the campground. While Rosie was telling us about it, a friend of the owner came to cut the grass. He let us in to look around the trailer. It looks very nice. The shed needs some work on the doors, but it could be covered with siding if the structure is good under it. The young man gave me the people's phone number so I'll call them later. I took Sparky with me and dog proofed my friend, Dottie's camper. I put Sparky in his crate when we went to look at Rosie's lots. Rosie and Dottie are twins that I grew up with. Their sister, Alberta has a place there, too and so does their cousin Joan. Rosie and Dottie's children all have places their. I have known the sisters since we were 4 years old. I hope the camper is cheap enough so I can get it. Sparky and I are both hot and tired so we are going to crash on the sofa for the rest of the day.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went with my niece and her family to see the fireworks in Chesapeake City. Ed had parked his pickup truck their earlier as we were expecting a big crowd. The town had an historical walk and one of the streets was blocked off. They had a parade before the fireworks. A young man pulled into my street and said he needed help. He was going to a wedding rehearsal at the Chesapeake Inn and there was no where to park. He did not want to walk far in this heat. I told him the best bet would be to go the their valet parking and let them find a place.up in their lot. He thought he might just skip the rehearsal and go back to his motel. I had asked a neighbor, Marlene, to go to the fireworks and we were going to walk but with this heat, I called my niece, Cheryl to come and get us. Ed parked where people park their trucks and boat trailers so he was able to pull the truck up and Cheryl parked in back of it. She had a heck of a time getting through town it was so crowded. Elkton and Northeast had canceled their fireworks because the area where they had them was on floodplain and was underwater from all the rain/ We had people from there coming here. It was a nice display. We sat in the back of the truck and watched from there. They did not have ground displays only ones that were shot up in the air. I probably could have watched from my house but trees are in the way.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I seem to always be playing catch-up. Wednesday, I went to Bible Study. I started to get ready to go bike riding and it poured down rain so I didn't get out. Thursday, it was too hot to go riding. When I took Sparky out, it was dark and cloudy. I was afraid it was going to rain again but it turned out to be a nice day except for the heat. I wanted to get the grass cut early but it was hot already and the due had not burned off. The grass was heavy and wet. It blocked up the mower a couple times. One time it shut down and I had to wait 20 minutes for it to cool off so I could start it again. I was dripping with sweat and had to peel off my clothes as they were sticking to me. I went to my nephew's and took a swim in their pool. I either had to stay in the water or in the house as it was too hot to sit outside. Rick is building a cabana for some shade around the pool. They had a nice BBQ with family and friends.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got Sparky out early and took him out again before I left for Ella's. Ella invited some ladies from the church to her summer home on the North East River. It is about 45 minutes to an hour away. There are a lot of necks of land between the rivers that flow into the Chesapeake. We had to drive north to get over the bridge to the Elk River and then pass Elk Neck and then south past Charlestown to the community where Ella's house is. It is a lovely little cottage right on the water. They have a nice screened in porch overlooking the river with a floating dock and a big blue heron sitting on it. Ella got out a game that is sort of like dominoes but with numbers on the little tiles. I don't recall the name of the game. We all had a wonderful time and a wonderful lunch of chicken salad, macaroni salad, three bean salad, deviled eggs which I brought, cake that Ella made, and a fruit dessert the Betty made. The weather was cloudy and threaten rain the whole time but it held off. My teenage neighbor, Jamey, took Sparky for a walk while I was out. I stayed later than I intended so arout 4pm, Jamey took Sparky out again. She is a lovely girl who goes to my church and has become very active in church activities. She helps with church dinners, the Kanal Kitchen, and is on several committees. I hope Sparky was good for her. He can be a whipperdoo.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It time to catch up. I can't remember what I did on Friday. I rode my bike alone through town in the morning. The weather has been the same for days. Hot, humid, and rain. It's all a blur.
Saturday, was the Canal 5K run. I was going to enter but Sparky did not co operate and do his business so I couldn't leave him very long. I went over to Schaefer's where the race was to start. I took some bottled water over. Tina came and I helped her put our Church lable on the bottles that I brought and we handed them out to the runners who wanted them before the race. After the start of the race, I came home and took Sparky out. Then I went to the church to help with Kanal Kitchen. We have a lunch for the homeless people once a month. We served two kinds of soup, chicken salad sandwiches, ham and cheese sandwiches, baked beans, and various deserts. My Bible Study Group was hosting the lunch this time. It was too hot to cut the grass when I got home. There was thunder booming all around but we didn't get much.
Sunday, Tina and I sang a duet of "God Bless America". None of the church hymnals had it so we sang without accompaniment. I gave a little history of the song, written by Irving Berlin in 1918. He didn't do anything with it but put it in a file. Twenty years later when World War was starting again, he wanted to write a song of peace. He remembered the one he had written during WWI so he took it out and revised it. He gave it to Kate Smith and she used it as her closing number on her radio program. It was such a big hit that she used it to close every show on the radio and then her TV show. She sang it in place of the Star Spangled Banner to open the Flyers Hockey games in Philadelphia. If for some reason she wasn't available to sing, the Flyers lost. She became their good luck charm. For many years, in Wildwood, NJ, when the lifeguards went off duty at 5pm, the flag was lowered, the lifeguards stood at attention, the tram cars on the boardwalk stopped, the people on the beach and boardwalk all stopped and stood at attention facing the flags ant each street, while Kate Smith belted out over the PA system "God Bless America." It was awesome.
Everyone seemed to enjoy our singing and the little history that I gave. I helped with the offering deposit and then came home. I wanted to cut the grass on the east side and the back before the storm came. (My neighbor had cut the west side) While I was cutting the grass, something kept hitting me in the head. I thought it was bugs but it was rain drops. I was soaking wet from sweat so I didn't feel the rain on my skin. I quickly finished the east side before the downpour. Poor Sparky had to wait until it let up. I got 1.8 inches in the rain gauge. there were showers off and on all day.
This morning, I had to wait until the rain let up before taking Sparky out and it was still sprinkling. I took him out again later. It is raining again now. The spillway is high but not high enough to be concerned. There is no stream or spring that runs into the lake so the only water getting into it is from the rain. My portulacas are not doing well. They like it dry and it has been too wet.
News from the Vorlon Wife.