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This monster was at the Zombie Chase. The people had to crawl under the fence with the monster and climb up the sand pit. There were different obstacles to people had to get over, under, around or through.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
My cold just doesn't seem to give up. I felt miserable this afternoon. I went to exercise class and then to JoJo's with my exercise friends. I felt OK then but in the afternoon, my sinuses were giving me a problem. Maybe I'm allergic to something. I went to Choral Practice and could hardly sing. I was sneezing and had to keep blowing my nose. I felt miserable.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to Middletown this morning to get my Tablet fixed. I thought it was malfunctioning but it turns out that I wasn't turning it off proberly and it just kept running until it ran out of memory. I was never told that I had to hold the power button down until it brought up a screen to touch the power off. I just clicked the button and it seemed to go off as the screen went black. Anyone it is back up and running. The tech even upgraded the program for me. I wonder if I have to take it back every so often to get an upgrade? Beats me. Technology has gone beyond my understanding.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to both church services this morning. I sang in the choir at the Traditional and the Praise and Worship Band at the Contemporary. I took care of the offering with Tucker in between the services and then practiced with the band before the service. I practiced with the choir before the Traditional Service. It makes for a long morning. I brought Marlene home and after walking our dogs and having some lunch, we went to Redners' Market to get some groceries. We both walked our dogs again around 3pm and then I took Sparky out again around 5pm and we walked with Ray and Sue around the mobile home park about 3 times. Sparky needed to walk off his pent up engergy from being cooped up in the house most of the day.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to the Zombie Chase with my niece and her family. The high school sponsored it. People who entered the Zombie Chase, ran an obstacle course while being chased by people dressed as zombies. They had a moon bounce and games for younger kids. Ethan loved the moon bounce. He didn't want to come out. He also painted a pumpkin and some other games.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Fall in Southern NJ. Ted took this photo in October 2005. It is a lake just south of Millville, NJ on route 49. He took photos of this lake in spring, summer and fall. I wanted to get a winter shot with snow to finish the four seasons but I never got to it. The roads were either too icy or I just didn't get there.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Brr! It's cold today and windy. It was in the 40's and now in the 30's. I hung out some wash and the wind blew it nearly dry. I only have to run the dryer for 20 minutes rather than an hour.
I went to exercise class this morning and then to JoJo's with my friends.
Marlene and I walked our dogs a couple times today. She has a cocker spaniel named leila.
I went to praies and worship practice and to choir practice tonight.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Feeding the baby goats at Milburn Orchard. Ethan really enjoyed feeding the goats.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to Bible Study this morning. We always have a nice time. Cindy who helps me with the church finances, has a son, Nick. Nick made a bread pudding for the men's dinner and there was some left over so Pastor Mark served it to us. It was a nice treat.
I didn't do too much today. I got ready and took my friend, Marlene to the evening Bible Study and no one was there. Eileen was away on vacation and has the key to the building so we concluded that the class was canceled for the evening.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Karol, Cheryl, Ed, and Ethan enjoy a hayride at Milburn Orchard.
Lots of pumpkins at Milburn Orchard. The smell of apple cider donuts filled the air.
Wow! I can't believe it's been a whole week since I've blogged. It's been a busy week. Saturday, I went to Milburn Orchards with my niece and her family. Her mother-in-law was visiting and we all went to the orchard. They had a huge display of pumpkins and a petting zoo. Ethan was fascinated with the goats. Cheryl, Ed, Ethan, and I went on the hayride. It was a nice ride through the woods and past all the fruit trees and berry patches. I got some apple cider donuts for us to take home. From there, we went to Olive Garden for dinner and then to Cheryl's for some peach pie and hot tea or cofee.
Sunday, I sang at both services., A neighbor boy came to rake the leaves and I ran over the piles of leave with the mower. I wanted to mulch them up and put them on the flower beds. The mower pulverized them so much they almost totally disappeared. I don't know if I'll be able to rake them up and get enough for the flower beds. Yesterday, I went to the apple barn and got 10 bags of mulch. I heard the place was up for sheriff sale so I wanted to get the mulch before they closed. I hope they are able to get things straightened out. It is close and have good prices for mulch, flowers, and shrubs. I went to the church in the late afternoon to meet with Cindy do enter some things in the computer. It went well and we were done in less than an hour. I like when things go smoothly. Cindy is doing well but wants me to be with her until she gains some confidence to be on her own.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Have been quite busy. Saturday, I packed up Sparky in the morning and headed north to Don's. Sparky stayed at Don's house while we went to my cousins, Renee and Ray's 50th Anniversary Luncheon. Their children had a lovely party for them. It was good to see them but Rick, Sylvia, Don and I were the only cousins on Renee's dad's side of the family. There are not too many cousins left. There was a cousin on her mother's side and a sister-on-law the rest were on Ray's side and friends from church.
After the luncheon, I headed back home and got ready for the next party at my nephew's. A friend had a 40th birthday surprise party for Rick's wife, Michelle. Her birthday is Christmas Day so I guess the friend wanted a special day for Michelle. She was very surprised and was speachless. Her first words were,"This is October." There were a lot of people there. Family and friends and lots of children.
Monday, I did some laundry and hung it out on the line. At 4:30, I met with Cindy to do the checks and financial reports for the church. I came home, had some dinner, walked Sparky and went back for the Finance Committee meeting.
This morning, I went to the exercise class and then did some more work for the church finances. Tonight is Choral Society practice.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Time for mums, scarecrows and pumpkins. The pumpkins are not real. They are made of plastic. One neighbor came up to touch them. She couldn't believe they were not real.
I went to Praise and Worship practice and Choir practice last night. Had to cough several times and at times unable to sing but made it through.
It may take a couple weeks for this cough to go away.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I haven't done much this week. I stayed home and rested. I feel better but am still coughing. This really knocked me for a loop. I am getting behind on everything. I didn't go to choral practice or either of the Bible studies yesterday. I'm not sure whether I'll go to Praise and Worship or choir practice tonight. I was going to but it is raining and will rain for the next few days. We need the rain but I don't feel like going out in it. I do have to take Sparky out. It was only drizzling earlier but it looks like its coming down harder.
New people are moving in next door. The lady seems nice so I hope she'll be a good neighbor. She has a lot of work to do on the mobile home. It had a mold problem so the people who owned it let it go to foreclosure. They owed more money than it cost to fix it.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got a slow start this morning but had to get Sparky out. It was barely dawn but there was cloud cover which made it darker.
I ripped my Choral Society disc to my computer so I can listen to it while I am doing my work. Joan gave me the disc yesterday as I was not at practice Tuesday.
I did a few things this morning. I tumbled my clothes I hung on the line the other day on air fluff to get the stiffness out.
I took Sparky out for his walk before the rains came. I met Marlene and we walked out dogs together. They get along well. The wind picked up so I battened down the hatches after my scarecrow fell. I thought someone had knocked at the door. Heavy winds are forecast for this storm so I turned over the plastic benches and put the chair and loose things under the deck.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to church this morning and sat by myself so I wouldn't spread my cold around. I don't know if there is a contagon period for cold or not and I don't know what it is. I didn't want to cough and have my friends get what I had. I did not sing and Cindy and Tucker took care of the counting.
This afternoon, I gave Sparky a much needed bath. He is getting better but I can tell he hates it. I don't know what he thinks about getting dried with the towel. He grows and bites at the towel but it appears as if he is playing. The grow is a playful grow. His fur is growing in for the winter and it is soft and fluffy.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Starting to feel like I am getting better. Before lunch yesterday, my fever was up to 99.7 so I went to the doctor. She didn't say what I had but she gave me an antibiotic and it seems to be knocking it down. Still coughing but starting to do my chores and things that have been let go since I've been sick.
This morning when I took Sparky out, there was a rainbow in the western sky. The sun was barely coming up over the hills and trees. Everything is very dry here, I hope Karen brings some much needed rain.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Pink mum taken last year.
Still under the weather with cold and fever in the afternoon. boo! I took Sparky out a couple times then my friend, Marlene came and took him out. I heard her saying to him what a good boy he was. Not going to praise and worship or choir practice. I hope I feel better tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Still under the weather. Fever back to 99.9 and coughing. The only thing I did was take out Sparky. Was not comfortable on the sofa so got back in bed for awhile. Fever was down to 99.3 this evening. Felt better but this is a bummer. I haven't had a fever in 7 years when I had the shingles. I had a flu shot so I don't think I have the flu. Just a horrible cold.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I've had a cold and not feeling up to par. I had a slight fever on Saturday and stayed home from church on Sunday. Saturday, I went to Redner's to get some needed groceries and cough medicine. They only have one medicine that was for people with high blood pressure and it had Tylinol PM. It knocks me out. The only thing I did was water my plants and walk Sparky. I went to Walgreen's to get some cough medicine I could take durning the daytime. They didn't have much either. I picked out a couple and asked the Pharmacist about them. I got some capsules. Most cough medicines contain a decongestant which elavates blood pressure. I didn't do much yesterday either. I hung out some wash and walked Sparky.
I have Choral Society practice tonight. I may drive myself so I don't contaminate my friends riding in the car. I'll sit way in the back away from everyone. That's what the others do when they have a cold.
News from the Vorlon Wife.