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I thought the trees had lost their leaves eariler then other years but I took this photo last November 25th and the trees are the same, bleak and bear. However, it is colder this year. I'm glad I changed gas companies. I'm paying a dollar less per gallon than I had been.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Another cold day. It's more like December than November. I went to the church to see if there were any bills to be paid. There were a couple but I have to call the one company about a problem with their bill.
I was almost ready to leave when some ladies came to deck the halls. I stayed to help them. They didn't know where the decorations were put away last year. I thought they were in the closet downstairs. They needed a tall person to hang the big wreath in the sanctuary. I looked up and thought, I'm not that tall. We found the step ladder and I hung the wreath. When the lady in charge arrived came, she didn't like it that high but the place she wanted to hang it had a large speaker in the way. She got out voted by the three of us who hung it. We also had to hunt around for the Advent Candles. Kay thought we had plenty of time to get the Advent Candles and asked when is Advent. I said it was this Sunday. I called the secretary and she said they were in that closet downstairs. We looked in several boxes and then I saw a box the said Advent Candles. The box could have smacked me in the face.
I finally went home. It was 1:30 and I hadn't had my lunch and Sarky would need to go out. I took him out and then heated up my lunch. I had a large slice of ham and my Waldorf Salad. I took my plate to the sofa and put on the TV. Some one came to the door. It was a neighbor girl. She had come to do some work for me. I put my plate down on the coffee table without thinking. I went to the shed to get out the rake for Brittney and told her what I wanted done. As I entered the house I realized what I had done and sure enough, my ham was gone and my little dog was standing near the coffee table licking his chops. The ham was almost a half inch thick. I cut myself another slice of ham and sat down to finish my lunch. I got my little fiber optic tree out of the shed and put it in my front window. It's time to deck my halls.
I went to Praise Band practice at 4:30 and once again I had to open the church and sanctuary for the band members as no one else had a key. There were not many of us their; three guitar players and me. Of course, they picked out all new songs that I did not know and some they didn't know either. There was one that I alone knew, "Come Thou Long Expected Jesus." Jen asked if it was in the hymnal and I said, Yes." She needed to play it on the piano to see how the song went. I got another hymnal and finally, there was one I could sing and read the music. All the other music just has the lyrics and guitar cords (E, F, G, etc.) I have no clue how to sing it. I have to listen and then figure out how to sing the soprano. Most of the time I sing the alto until I get the hang of it.
We stayed extra long because the band didn't know some of the songs either. We spent most of the time going over one song. Steve said if we go over this song one more time, I'm going to throw up. My sentiments exactly. I had to make sure all the lights were out and couldn't find the switch to one of the lights. I had to lock up the church. I felt insecure about the respondibility.
When I drove into the driveway, I saw Sparky sitting on the bed looking out from behind the fiber optic tree in the window. Then I saw him jump down and head for the livingroom to meet me at the door. My Alberta Spruce is decorated in green lights and is on a timer and it looks so pretty even though it needs another set of lights on it. I didn't want to venture out on Black Friday so I'll have to get them tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Dinner at my nephew, Rick's and his wife, Michelle. I took Sparky with me. He likes running around their big fenced in yard. I put him in his cage while we ate because he makes a pest of himself begging for food. I didn't bring his dog food as he wouldn't eat it with all the turkey aroma in the house. I did give him some of the food that Ryleigh didn't eat; turkey, mashed potatoes and corn. I fed him when I got home.
They all liked Sparky; especially my niece, Tina and her husband, Sean. Rick's children like him, too although, he kept trying to chew on the plastic toys.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
What a cold wet miserable day today. Cold rain just above the freezing point. I have to take Sparky out in it and his coat would get soaked. Each time, I had to hang his coat with a clothes pin on the shelf over the washer and dry off his feet and belly. He is short so he get wet underneath.
I went to Bible Study this morning and then over to the Eccumentical Center to help sort the food for the food pantry. We had lots of donations come in from scouts and schools having a food drive. They prepared 33 turkeys for needy families along with canned goods of sweet potatoes, white potatoes, stove top, cranberry sauce and various veges.
Home to a lunch of corn chowder and another walk for Sparky and then off to the Acme Super Market for a few things. I got some turkey thighs as I am going to my nephews and I like having some turkey through the weekend. I also got a ham that I like. It is sliced and is topped with pineapple. I can only find them a holiday time. I priced them when I was at Safeway but they were $29.00. The Acme had them for under $20.00. I got some sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce and turkey stove top stuffing. It's not as good as homemade stuffing but a whole turkey is too much for me and it's hard to fit a whole turkey in my freezer.
I had baked a ham slice the other day so I had a piece of that with sweet potatoes for dinner.
I went to the Chesapeake City Eccumentical Assoc. Thanksgiving Service at the Presbyterian Church. My pastor, Pastor Mark gave the sermon and had asked Tina to gather some people to sing. Tina, Diane and I were the only ones who showed up to sing. We sang Come Ye Thankful People Come but it was on the program as the opening hymn. We decided to sing the first two verses and have the congragation join us for the last two. Tina gave us copies of the hymn but Diane and I preferred to use the hymnal. Tina's copies had different words so she was singing a different version then we were. We had not practice it and I made a couple mistakes but the people didn't seem to notice.
I thought it was a poor turnout for having six churches as members of the Eccumentical Assoc. I guess the weather kept some people from coming out. The church was on the north side of the canal and many people don't like crossing the bridge in bad weather as it started to change to mixed rain and snow when I came out of the Acme.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I don't understand why hackers leave comments on my blog. You can tell they are foreign because their English is not quite right. I guess they use a computer program to interpet it. They must not have anything better to do. I traced one to France but didn't reply to it. I didn't want them to know they found a blog and send more junk.
I look forward to hearing from my friends and it's annoying to have these comments on my blog.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I did a few odds and ends today. I climbed over the mower and moved some stuff in my shed so I could reach some things in there. I needed a piece of wallpaper that was all the way in the back. And I wanted to get out my Christmas candles that I put in the windows. I like to see them when I come home from my Thanksgiving dinner. I have to see if I have enough batteries for them. I also got out my extension cords for my outdoor lights. I am hoping to put lights on my Alberto Spruce tree that is next to my side walk. I got some new LED green lights for it.
My coo coo clock almost fell off the wall so I had to get a piece of wood to attach to the studs. My drywall is extra thin and even with an anchor for the screw, it doesn't hold anything larger than a small photo. I got the piece of wall paper to cover the piece of wood so it will blend in with the wall. I only need a 15 inch piece to go between the studs. Most of it will be covered with the clock. I cut the wood and was measuring the wall paper on the floor. Sparky had to sniff everthing and he tried to grab the piece of wood but I stopped him before he could run off with it.
The bank called and said there was a mistake on the deposit. So I had to go to the church, get the report we make for the deposit and go to the bank to find out what the mistake was. I had deposited some money from the bazaar and had to separate it into 3 money bags because it had a lot of one's and wouldn't fit into the night deposit slot. I forgot to take the amount off the deposit slip. Anyway, I got that all straightened out. I'm glad I live close to the bank.
I gave my friend Dottie a call as it is her birthday today. It was good to talk to her. She and her twin sister had a wonder birthday dinner with their families yesterday.
It was cold out there today. It was 19 when I first took Sparky out at 6:30am. I didn't get out of the 20's all day.
I went back to the church and met with Cindy to enter the deposit and cut a check for one of the Vendors. We took a look at the spread sheet and what needed to be done with that. It didn't take very long so I came home and heated up my left over dinner from the Inn last night.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to churchand sang in the choir. We wore our gowns for the first time in a year. Someone cleaned them but some still had stains on them. I counted the offering, and then to Contempary Service to sing with the Praise band. At first, I didn't see any other singers but me and we couldn't find the micophone wires. No one knew where they were. I wondered around asking people and when I got back the drummer had found them under a rug. The Jamie came in to help me sing. Jack and another guitar player were missing today and so was the video man. It all worked out.
I'll be taking my niece and her husband to dinner this afternoon for their birthdays. Cheryl was in Oct and Ed was earlier in November but Cheryl had been sick for a few weeks with the horrible cold that I had. I talked to my sister-in-law, Sylvia last night and learned she and my brother had been away. Sylvia's brother died and they went off to Georgia for the funeral. I was sadened to hear about Jim. He had been having health problems for a few years.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
What a busy day today. I was up early and baked some brownies for the church Christmas Bazaar. I had to get Sparky out, walked, and his business done before going to the church dressed in my Christmas outfit and my mother's elf hat. (She wore it each Christmas Day while preparing dinner.) I have a nice Santa hat but it would have been too hot for working indoors.
I went and helped in the kitchen and in different areas where needed. I also bought a lot of things. I gota quart each of vegetable beef soup and Maryland Crab. I bought goodies at the bake sale, some jewelry, a nautical sign hand painted by my friend, and a Philadelphia Eagles for one of my brother's Christmas present. I had taken Ted's ties for the Attic Treasures sale and most of them were sold. Someone bought Pastor Mark the poinsettea tie and Pastor Jack bought the tie with the joggers on it. (He runs in races.) I was thinking of giving them to them but I didn't know if Pastor Mark would like it. He wears ties with religious themes and I've never seen Jack in a tie. He leads the Praise Band and is always dressed casual. I'm glad he bought the tie and I hope Pastor Mark likes his.
I watched the pet parade which went off at noon. I should have entered me and Sparky in it but I was so busy with the bazaar.
I helped with the clean-up afterward and came home tired out.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It has been a busy week. It seems to be a blur. Yesterday, I went to exercise class and then did some work in the church office. I went to the computer store to give them their check from the church and to check on my home computer. It needs a new hard drive. The man was trying to recover my data but unable to get it all. Bummer. One of my programs is no longer availabe and it's one I use. I went to the bank which is next to the computer store and then back to the church to drop off the receipt. Sparky had an appointment with the vet for his shots and I also got his nails clipped and glands expressed. He is terrified at the vets. I had to drag him in the door and there was a line to register so I was right next to the door and everytime someone opened it, he tried to run out. I picked him up and he climbed up my jacket scratching my neck trying to get on my shoulders. All the dogs in line were hyper. None of them wanted to be there. They must have fed off each other's fear. When I finally was able to sit down, I motioned him up to the seat beside me and he calmed down. The technician took him in and returned him shortly. I guess he behaved OK as the tech just explained what he had done as far as giving him his shots, clipping his nails and expressing his glands. He said they were full so Sparky should feel better now. I took him to the dog park in Middletown, DE. They had two large fenced in areas for dogs. One for large dogs and one for small dogs. There were several large dogs in their side of the fence and no small dogs for Sparky to play with. He ran along the fence with a large dog on the other side. It looked like a lab mix. I recognized some of the dogs who had been at the vets. Some people were thowing a ball for the dogs to fetch. Sparky doesn't bother with balls so I'll have to take one of his toys next time. I did sort of run around the park so Sparky could get some exercise. He put on a couple pounds since last time. Hopefully it's all fur. I let it grow in for the winter and it is very thick. He looks like a little lamb. I should dress as a shepard and go in the pet parade. I probably won't have time to do that as our church Christmas Bazaar is that day and I will be helping with that. I have to go to the church this morning to help cut up the veges for the soup.
I went to Praise Band and choir practice last night and was there a little longer as someone took all the choir gowns to the cleaners. We haven't worn them for awhile. I knew I had my name on the plastic zipped bag that my gown was in but I wasn't sure if I had my name on the gown. It turned out that I did and it was in my bag so I am all set for Sunday.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The sugar maples in red plumage at my brother, Don's house. I grew up in that house. I don't remember the tree in the front center being red. I started climbing that tree when I was 4 years old. It wasn't as big then. We would put barrels and things under it so we could reach the first branch. There was a small branch near it where I would hook my foot under it and use my stomach muscles to pull myself up. The tree under the red one is an elm. You can barely see the red one in the back. I called it my tree as it was outside my bedroom window. The others were gold. I took this while walking Sparky when I was at Don's last week.
It was back to the church today. I had to make some copies for the Administrative Council meeting next week. It is on Tuesday and I have my Choral Practice on Tuesday.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to exercise class this morning and then had to pay some new bills that had come in. It seems the work there is never done. Praise Band was moved up to 5:30 so I had to hustle to eat and get Sparky walked. Choir practice afterward.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Still working on the problem bill at the church. I finally got it to balance but I don't think it is right. i went to Bible Study after working on it for an hour and a half. After the Bible Study, I worked on it some more. Then I came home and crashed on the sofa for the rest of the day except for walking Sparky.
News from the Vorlon Wife
I seem to do a lot of catching up. Saturday was Fill-A-Truck Day at Redner's Supermarket. My friends from the Ecumentical Assoc. were there collecting food for the poor. I gave a couple large cans of Dinty More Stew, a large can of sweet potatoes, a couple cans of Spam, and a couple cans of Chef Boyard Di's Ravioli. (Not sure of the spelling). They were also collecting coats. The Food Pantry is a ministry supported by all the churches in Chesapeake City.
Sunday, I sang at both services and did the counting for both services as Cindy was away. I was hoping to take my niece and her husband to dinner for their birthdays but Cheryl was sick. It sounds like she had the same cold that I had. She wasn't feeling well enough to go out. We texted back and forth. She asked what the doctors diagnosed for me. The Dr. said it was a sinus infection but I felt like I nearly had bronchitis. Cheryl asked what Dr. I had, as she seem to hint the Dr. didn't know what she was doing. Monday, Cheryl went to her Dr. and he diagnosed a sinus infection, also. Neither of us knew we had sinuses in our chest.
In the afternoon, I trimmed my evergreen shrubs with the hedge trimmers. Of course, I cut the cord when I was almost done. I had it plugged into a surge protector so I just had to push the reset button. I had to get a kit to repair it with a new socket. It will be 4 feet shorter. I try to be careful and it was the last thing I needed to cut and zap.
Monday, I went to the church to work on the financial stuff. There were bills to pay and bills to research. I ran the financial statements for the Committee meeting Monday night. I had a lot of gripes and complaints about things that needed to be addressed. The committee felt as I do and will look into the problems and get them resolved.
We are supposed to have rain/snow this morning but so far I don't see any trace of it. I brought in my snow shovel and "paws" (ice melter than won't harm pets or concrete) I also covered my car with a tarp over the windows. The tarp is specifically made to cover from the windsheild to the back window. It's supposed to fit Honda Accords but it's a little short. It had straps to anchor it down. It hooked them to the spokes in the wheels. I don't know if there were directions or not but they are gone. It was also difficult putting it on in the dark. I used it for Sunday morning so I would have to spend time scrapping the frost. It worked well and I threw it over the railing of the deck to dry. I attached the hooks so it would blow away in the wind. It dried off well in the wind.
It will be back to the church this morning to work on the finances. I don't know if we'll be having exercise class as the ladies don't come out in bad weather. I also need to go to the bank to have them help me with an online setup. Tonight it's off to Choral practice. I can't believe it's almost time for our concert.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I washed some sheets and put them out on the line. It wasn't very warm but it was windy so they dried quickly. I went to the church to get the finances ready for the finance meeting on Monday. I whole bunch of bills came in yesterday so I had to sort through them and pay what was due. I found a couple invoices that were past due. I don't know where they were or why I got them so late. I had to pay a late fee and finance charge on one of them. I was really ticked off as the bill was received in the office in September and I don't know where it was. Perhaps placed in the wrong bin. I spent three hours trying to get things straightened out. I went back in the afternoon to work with Cindy. I still had to post the bills to the proper accounts and it took a while to do that and I was not happy with the run away spending that was going on. I did that mess and had Cindy look over the reports to see if she spotted anything that needs correcting. She found one thing that was posted to the wrong account. I was taking me awhile to figure out what went to what account on one of the bills. I skipped the credit card bill as it will take a while to figure that one out. I had Cindy file. It was the first time she did that and I hope she was able to find things and put them in the proper place. Ursula or someone before her had arranged the file folders and it wasn't how I would have done it. Cindy asked if she should make new folders for some of them but I found the one she needed and said we could make new folders in Janurary and do them our way.
When I got home, I took Sparky out and had some dinner. I bought some cream of crab soup from JoJo's when I went to the bank and post office after working at the church in the morning.
I watched Midsomer Murder Mystery on PBS and went to bed.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to exercise class this morning and then did some work in the church office. In the afternoon, I went to the Chiropractor. I thought I had pulled a muscle in my neck a couple weeks ago when I reached to turn off my electric blanket. I wasn't getting any better so I figured I must have a vertibrae out of place. I seem to be on the mend now that he adjusted me and gave me some Bioflex to put on it.
I went to Praise Band practice and the chior practice afterward. Both groups are getting ready for Christmas.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to Bible Study this morning and then home to wait for the gas company man. I am changing companies for my propane and had to be here when he came. I did some cleaning and straightening up. I ran the vacuum cleaner over the mats in the laundry room and I must have sucked up a stink bug as the odor of stink bug filled the room. I changed the bag but the smell wasn't coming from the bag. I don't know where the critter was. They haven't been as bad this year. It is the year for lady bugs. They are all over the outside of the house and a few get inside. i don't mind them so much except on hit me in the face when I was walking Sparky. At first I thought it was a bee but then realized it was a lady bug when I saw others flying around. Plus, it didn't sting me.
The gas man came around 3pm and changed out the tanks. They are nice new tanks. I am glad to be rid of the old rusty ones. They were really ugly looking.
I went to the CCEA Bible Study this evenig. There were only 4 of us attending. Two were sick and I don't know what was up with Marlene. I hadn't seen her or her dog out. I knocked on her door yesterday and today but there was no answer. I hope she is OK.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I set the alarm on my tablet for 4:30am. It went off and it took me 10 minutes to figure out how to turn the alarm off. I finally shut the whole thing down. I couldn't waste any more time with that. I walked to the WaWa and got my coffee and breakfast sandwich of egg, cheese, and pork roll on a bagel. When I got back, I had to take Sparky out to do his duty. I had to take Don for his procedure at 5:30. That's what time we had to leave to get to the hospital by 6;00. Sparky cooperated in doing his duty even though it was such and early hour and was still dark.
Don was the first one on the schedule. I took my book to read and my tablet. I figured out how to unset the alarm. I didn't want it going off at 4'30 every morning. Don's procedure went well and he got a clean bill of health. He had had colon cancer two years ago and had to have a colonosotomy every 6 months to check on it. Now he won't have to have one for a year.
We went home and I took Sparky out for a walk. Around noon, we walked to the WaWa and Don got a gobbler while I got a chicken corn chowder soup. I left for home around 2pm. I wanted to get home before the rush hour traffic on the expressway.
Sparky was quiet and slept on the way home. He usually whines and cries when driving in the car. I think he wants attention. Danny would do that somewhat but Sparky keeps it up for the hour drive.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got packed up and got myself and Sparky ready for the trip to Don's. We got there around 11:30am. Don came home for lunch. He had to have clear liquids for his procedure tomorrow. I brought him some chicken broth and I got a gobbler sandwich at WaWa. I asked the guy what time he opened in the morning and he said they were open 24 hours a day including Christmas. I thought they closed Christmas Eve and he said they are the only store that stays open. It is a small WaWa but they do a booming business. The gobbler is sold in November. It is a hot sub sandwich with turkey, stuffing, and cranberry sauce with gravy. It is good.
I walked Sparky around Don't neighborhood. I saw my friend, Sylvia and all was well with her. She got her ceiling repaired with new drywall and painted. Her sister, Carol, who I grew up with is not doing so well. She has cancer and has been on chemo for a year. She is going through the struggles that Ted went through. Please keep Carol in your prayers.
I went around the block and a man who looked like the character on Duck Dynasty with a beard and camophlage clothing. He came down off his porch to see the puppy and called his friends to see Sparky. The man and his friends lived in the "Holmes House." It was the home of the founders of the town, Holmes. There are three houses in a row. Each one belonged to one of the Holmes sisters. They are large, three story homes that have been turned into apartments. My friend, Dottie's aunt Dorothy used to lived there when we were children.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It was a hectic morning at church this morning. The choir was not singing but the service ran over. I had to count to offering and get the deposit ready. People were in the office using the computer and copy machine so we couldn't work efficiently. The band started rehearsing and we still didn't have it ready. Cindy told me to go ahead to rehearsal and she would finish the deposit. The second service was late, too. I had to rush home, take Sparky out, and go to St. Roses for the CCEA event. (Chesapeake City Eccumental Assoc.) I was told I was first up to speak so I didn't want to be late. I didn't know they were going to serve the food first so I needn't have rushed.
Everyone seemed to have enjoyed my speech. It was an enjoyable afternoon with friends.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to the new Shop-Rite and was a bit disappointed. They used to have the cheapest prices but everything seemed so high except for the milk. I get better prices at Redner's but then maybe prices at Redner's are up, too. I studied my music for Choral Society and Band and I rehearsed my speech for the CCEA tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Remembering my little Danny Boy. October 29, 2006 - November 3, 2012. This was taken when we first got him.
My orange mums takenby Ted in Vineland October 29, 2004
I went to exercise class this morning and then did some computer financial work at the church. When I left, the Pre-School was having their Halloween parade and the children looked so cute. One little boy was dressed as a fireman and the director was dressed as Mary Poppins.
It was a lovely springlike day and I walked Sparky around the neighborhood. Choir was canceled because of trick or treat.
I had about 8 trick or treat kids. I don't know why the others didn't come and I was disappointed that Cheryl and Ed didn't bring Ethan over. I was giving away two or three treats and still have a basket full of candy. I'll take it to the bus stop when the kids get home from school.
News from the Vorlon Wife.