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Saturday, April 26, 1014
I went to Khols yesterday and got a pretty set of purple luggage with wheels. I dread lugging my suitcase without wheels. It is large and heavy. It''s not too bad when traveling in a car or when checking in at the airport but when having to pick it up after landing.in has to be carried a long distance. Now that they charge for luggage, I have to pack everything in one and it makes it heavier. I have a nice set that I got for Ted. I got it before I knew about wheels. The smaller ones have shoulder straps but the large one does not. Anyway, when I got the new luggage home, I saw a warning label: "This product contains chemicals that cause cancer." Well, back it goes. I thought I had done all my running around yesterday. I also have to return a raincoat I got for Sparky at the pet store. It is too large. I measured his girth but didn't measure the length. He seems to be in between small and medium and is hard to find something that fits. This cost was longer than he was.
I was up early this morning. I did some wash and cooked some hard boiled eggs for the Kanal Kitchen. The church host lunch once a month for the homeless people and they can take the hard cooked eggs with them and eat them later.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Friday Flower Bloggin"
We inbetween bloomings. Crocuses are done and daffodils and hyacinths are finishing up. Some are done and some are still blooming. My bleeding heart is in full bloom. It looks pretty with its pink blooms. I wish it was an everblooming variety but its not.
I can't believe I haven't been on here for a week. My tablet is easier to boot up.
Wednesday, I stopped in the computer store to see if I could upgrade to Windows 7. The lady said that if the computer is over 3 years old it wouldn't be able to handle Windows 7 so I am stuck with XP that is no longer supported by microsoft. What a bummer. They just want people to buy new computers. I have to buy a new desktop so it will be awhile before I get a new laptop.
Yesterday, I went to my friend, Midge's 90th birthday party. My lady friends from church took are the treats. I went out without Midge's address and directions. I knew she lives along the river so I just followed the river until I found her house. I knew I'd recognize it when I saw it. I arrived a little early so I help Midge get the chairs set up around the table. We had a lovely time. Midge's home has a super view of the Bohemia River. I saw a Bald Eagle swooping down over the water when I crossed the little bridge.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Friday, April 18, 2014
Still not feeling up to par. I have a lingering cough from the URI I had. I think the pollen adds to it. My neighbor cut my grass for me. There was a lot of onion grass and the air smelled like onions after the grass was cut. There were patches that were very long and other spots that were bare. It looks nice now that it's all even.
I didn't feel up to going to the Holy Thursday service last night. I hope to go to the Good Friday Service today. I feel OK in the morning but as the day wears on, I feel tired out. I hung out the wash this morning and was exhausted afterward. It's not easy to hang the clothes with gloves on.
I posted a lot of flowers yesterday so I won't post any today.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Look What's Blooming!
What a lovely surprise to see my bleeding heart in bloom already. It leaped out of the ground when we had a few warm days.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Look What's Blooming!
Star of Bethlehem blooming in my backyard.
Look What's blooming!
The forsythia usually blooms in March but is late this year. This photo was taken in Vineland. I don't have one here but my neighbors do.
Look What's blooming!
This photo was take last year of a star magnolia in the town of Chesapeake City. My neighbor has one but trimmed it back last year and cut all the buds off except for a few. flowering tress and shrubs set their bloom for the following year soon after they bloom for the current season so they must be trimmed before the buds are set.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Thursday, April 10, 2014
I have been sick for a week. I went to the Dr. last Thursday and she said it would take two weeks to recover from this virus and I would start to feel better in a week. She was right. I didn't start to feel better until yesterday. I missed my concert on Sunday and so did a lot of others. The girls who did the cantra were both sick and of 15 sopranos, only three were there to sing.
I missed going to church, Lenten Services, and everything else. The only thing I did was take the dog out and I had to drag myself out to do that. I dragged myself to the church on Tuesday to check on the bills. I ran off a check and when I was done, the bills came in. I guess I'll have to go in today to enter them in the computer.
I filed my taxes yesterday. I wanted to do them last week but wasn't up to it. It all went well and it's done.
Although the flowers are blooming and spring is in the air, there is still frost on the rooftops in the morning. The afternoons go up to 70 but still a cool wind.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
I went to the church to do some computer work to get ready to run my month end reports. It went well. I didn't go to exercise class because my arm was hurting me. I have tendinitis in my upper right arm and last Thursday the exercise made it feel worse even though I tried not to move it much.
The other ladies were not able to get there because there was an accident on the bridge and the traffic couldn't get through. The parents were not able to get their children to the pre-school.
I spent the rest of the day arranging my trip to my brother-in-law's wedding. I called Ted's mother to make sure I could stay with her and someone could pick me up at the airport. Then I went on line to make a plane reservation. I entered all the information but I had troubled getting it to go through. I had to call and get some help. There was a section to buy extra stuff and I had skipped it but I had to check the 'NO" box to get it to go through.
After getting all that arranged, I signed my brother and myself to walk in an event to support my cousin, Tom whose has a brain injury. I had to do that twice as it only let me register one at a time. When I went back it, it told me I was already registered so I had to change my sign in information to register my brother. What a pain. What if some wanted to register a family of 4 or 6. They would have to do it from the beginning 4 or 6 times and change the sign in information each time.
That done, I had to make arrangements for Sparky when I go on my trip. I went to my next door neighbor but she didn't answer the door. I figured she must be in the shower or maybe taking a nap. Anyway, I took my shower to get ready for my concert and she came to the door. She was glad to dog sit Sparky. She said her kids keep asking her to get a dog so this will be a good test for them. She'll take Sparky into her house and the kids can play with him and he will be able to sleep with one of them. I am so glad because I hate putting him in the kennel. I think he was frightened when I left him there last year. When I went to get him, he wanted to make a beeline for the door. He was trying to jump out of my arms. I couldn't get his leash on. I had to hold him while my brother put on the leash. He, he was out of there.
I finished getting ready for my concert and had a little dinner of a chicken leg and some veggies.
The concert was in Elkton this time. Baker's Restaurant is where I meet Joan when going to Elkton and they are usually closed on Tuesday. Tonight, they were having a special dinner as a fundraiser for one of their waitress who has cancer. I was going to take a donation inside but the parking lot was crowded. Cars kept driving around waiting for someone to come out so they could put in. I decided to go on down to Joan's house and saw her coming out of her driveway. I pulled in a space across from her lane and told her what was going on. She had to back up her driveway so I could park my car.
The concert went well and we got a standing ovation. The church had a pipe organ and Kevin our director played the special music at the intermission time. It was wonderful to hear the organ belting out the music.
The ladies of the church served refreshments afterward. I hadn't had any sugar treats all day so I piled up my plate.
Home again, Home again. Baker's still had a lot of cars in their lot. I'm glad they had a successful fund raiser.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Monday, March 31, 2014
I went to the church to enter things in the computer and take a look at what needed to be paid.
I washed two loads of towels earlier and hung them out on the line. I hadn't been able to hang anything out all winter because it was too cold. It was very windy so they dried quickly. When I took them down, I put them in the dryer on low for 20 minutes. The towels are think so I wanted to be sure they were dry all the way through.
I did some much needed vacuuming.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Sunday, March 30, 2014
I went to church at the 9am service and then counted the offering afterward. I didn't go to the 11 o'clock service because I had to get ready for my concert. It was rainy and when it let up, I took Sparky out only to be caught in a downpour. I tried twice and both times, we got soaking wet. My raincoat was soaked through. We had to be at the concert by 2:30 so I met Joan at 2pm at the Library. She drove us to the Church in Kennedyville which is near the SPCA where I got Sparky. It is a little church that sits way back from the road. I wondered why and Joan said it was because in Colonial times, people traveled by boat and the Chester River is in back of the church. Oh, I thought, it makes sense. The river flows into the Chesapeake.
It was a wonderful concert in spite of the rain, the church was full. They served a sit-down dinner afterward. I was thankful for that as I was hungry. You're not supposed to eat much before a concert. No milk and no sugar. The social hall was in a separate building so we had to run or walk in the pouring rain. We left our coats in the hall so we got wet and it was a cold rain.
News from the Vorlon Wife.