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My lovely iris garden that lines my west sidewalk.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
May 29, 1971 Today would have been our 43rd Anniversary
Monday, May 26, 2014
This photo was taken by Ted on May 28, 2005. We were in Ocean City, NJ where we went almost every Saturday from May to October. On holiday weekends, we sometimes went on Sunday. We would walk along the beach and boardwalk. Ted like taking photos with his new digital camera and posting them to his blog. We would have dinner at one of our favorite places along the boardwalk. We liked the Hawaiian Grill and The Beach Club. The Beach Club had ocean side dinning where we could look out over the water. The Hawaiian Grill was back on a little intersection of the boardwalk with no view but a hotel. The food, however, was excellent and reasonable. The owners were from Hawaii and specialized in Hawaiian cuisine.
I went for a drive to find my 3rd great grandfather's grave and put a flag or flowers on the grave. I looked up the directions on the internet but was not sure I was in the right place. The directions took me to a gravel road that curved back past peoples houses and ended in someone's driveway. I did not see any sign of a cemetery and saw no one to ask. I turned around and left. I did see a big rock on someone's lawn. It was a rock, not a monument and I didn't feel comfortable walking across someones lawn to look at the rock.
I went back to an intersection that said "Brick Meeting House Road." His Inn was supposed to be on that road where it intersects Cross Keys Road. I did see a colonial period house there but it was a private residence and had no sign except for the address. It was near the Brick Meeting House (Quaker Meeting House) from the same time period and is still in use by the "Friends."
I took a picture with my phone and came on home. It is hot today. I had some lunch and put on a movie, The Lone Ranger with Johnny Depp. It was good but I felt too much violence for a Disney movie. Walt would be turning in his grave.
Sparky is zonked out from his walk. It is 87 in the shade and 90 in the sun. The air went on about 1pm and feels good after coming in from outside.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Sunday, May 25, 2014
I went to church this morning. I was asked to lead the singing of God Bless America, at the flagpole after the service. I ducked into the ladies room during the last him. The sink was broken so I had to wash my hands in the kitchen. There were no towels so I went back to the ladies room to get some to put in the kitchen. When I got out to the flagpole, they had started without me and it was over. Some other people missed it, too. I was a little annoyed.
I went back in to take care of the offering and then went on home. I walked Sparky, had some lunch and took off for Don's. We went to the cemetery in Broomall, PA where Ted and my parents are buried. I took some yellow flowers for Ted and my mother and some red, white and blue ones for my father. My sister-in-law, had put palm crosses on the graves and they looked nice. I was sick at Easter time and didn't get to the cemetery. I didn't get there at Christmas either as my car had broken down. It is a nice cemetery, well cared for. I didn't go to either of my grandparents cemeteries. They are located in a different are and I didn't feel up to going there. My father's parents are in a horrible section of Philadelphia and the cemetery is overgrown with weeds and brambles. Last time we could hardly get to the gravesite even tho it is next to the road. The cemetery has been abandoned and is only maintained by a group of volunteers. It is a very large cemetery and they are not able to keep up with the maintenance. I doubt if I will be able to go there again. The neighborhood in not a safe place to be.
My mother's family cemetery is well maintained and part of it is a historical site. My grandparents are buried there as well as some of her sisters, brother and parents. My grandfathers parents and sisters are there as well as his ancestors going back to colonial times. One ancestor fought in the Revolutionary War - Henry Hoofstitler. That was a funny name found in my family tree.
Don and I got some burgers at Burger King. He suggested Ruby Tuesdays but it's a weekend for hamburgers so we got Whoppers. I got a junior whopper. sparky smelled it coming in the door. He said, "Where's the beef." when I put his dog food bowl down.
We headed home after we ate.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Friday Flower Bloggin'
My peony is in full bloom but the rain has made the blooms so heavy they are nearly laying on the ground. It rained off and on yesterday. On one of my walks with Sparky, my neighbor, Carol, gave me two blooms of her peonies. The are beautiful. They are pink with a cream center. I managed to get Sparky out between showers. I pulled some grass out of my circle garden on the east side. It was between the carnations and towered two feet above them. I pulled off the seeds and threw them in my bare spots. It seems the nice grass grows in my flower gardens and weeds grow in my lawn.
I went to choir practice and they were talking about hail. I didn't see any here but it can be localized. I saw on the news that the hail did damage in PA.
It's Memorial Day weekend. Ted always had to go to Philadelphia on the Friday of this weekend and when coming home to Vineland, the traffic was horrendous with people going to the Jersey Shore. All the people from PA had to funnel into three bridges. It would take him 2 1/2 hours for a one hour drive.
News from the Vorlon Wife
Thursday, May 22, 2014
The power was out on Tuesday. Mine went out for a couple seconds and came back on although the cable was out. I went to the church and the power was out there. The Preschool was in the dark so they went to the social hall where there a lots of windows and did some outdoor activities. We were unable to do out exercise class so I went to the bank and they were having problems with their computers. I went to JoJo's with my friends and had a brownie and ice tea. The power was back on when I got back so I did some work in the office.
I did some weeding in the afternoon. The mosquitoes are bad this year. They are swarming all over the place. For some reason, a long cold winter increases the mosquito population.
Wednesday, it rained all day off and on. I was able to get Sparky out between showers. Looks like the same for today. It started sprinkling just as I got back from walking him. It's a good day for getting things done around the house and a quick session at the church office.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Relaxing on the Bohemia River with Capt. Ed and son Ethan. My niece Cheryl took the
I had a busy weekend. I did yard work on Sat. I had my neighbor boy dig a pompous grass out of the middle of my east yard in front of my entrance and I weeded the flower garden on the
west side. I gave a couple clumps of it to my neighbor, Janine and a few to my niece Cheryl. They are putting them new their ponds and I will plant the rest back by the spillway stream.
Sunday, after church, I went with my niece and her family on there boat. It was a bit windy so Ed found a sheltered cove to anchor in. Ed cooked hot dogs on his grill, Cheryl brought potato salad and pasta salad and I brought baked beans. We had lunch and relaxed on the water. Saw a bald eagle dive down to get a fish. Ethan likes to throw everything overboard so we had to keep things put away. Ed has a net to retrieve things but when Ethan threw his toy fishing rod overboard, the wind shifted the boat and the rod sank to the bottom.
A day on the river was followed by dinner at Applebee's. My friend, Naomi had sent me a gift card for my birthday so we had a nice dinner to finish off a nice day.
News from the Vorlon Wifel
Friday Flower Bloggin'
Irises are in full bloom. First came the two tone lavender, next the solid blue as shown above and now the white and purple are blooming along with the azaleas.
I seem to have too much to do. I went to my friend's Dottie's tea that was held at her church near the Concord Mall. Afterward, I went into HH Gregg and got a new cordless telephone set. I got the Panasonic which I hope will be better than the Uniden I got last time. When I unpacked the phones, I found that they too, are made in China and look like junk. The Uniden were of a hardier construction and had red lights on the bases; these do not. The main base looks OK. I hope they last longer than the Unidens.
I went to choir practice last night. There were only three of us there besides the director and the organist. I was the soprano, Tina the alto, and John the tenor/bass. I hope more show up on Sunday. It's one I don't know too well.
I got ready to go to the church to do some work and it's pouring down rain. Luckily, I got Sparky out before the rain came. I hope it lets up when I have to take him out again. Flood advisories are in effect. I may not be able to get into town. There is a low spot in the road where Back Creek flows into the basin. It floods over the road and is not passable.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Tuesday, May 13. 2014
My brother took this photo of the Newark Symphony Orchestra with my Cecil County Choral Society as guest singers. Unfortunately, I am looking to the right near the back fourth from the left.
It was an awesome concert. We sang the chorus parts for Borodin"s "Prince Igor, Polovetsian Dances (Stranger in Paradise was taken from this) and "Tchiakovsky's 1812 Overture."
It was an honor to sing with the orchestra and it was an awesome experience.
News from the Vorlon Wife
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Remembering my dear mother on Mother's Day.
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
I went to my brother-in-laws wedding last Saturday. It was a lovely wedding in Michigan. I stayed with Ted's mother for a few days. I enjoyed visiting with her. In some ways, it was sad. So many of Ted's family have passed away and there is a great void for us. I will post more later. I have to catch up on things here. Wash to do and I have to go to the church office and see what bills need to be paid.
News from the Vorlon Wife.