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Steeple Chasin'
This is the Belmont Baptist Church. I don't remember where it is. I took it awhile ago.
I didn't do much yesterday. I did a load of wash, hung it out on the line and wondered what was dripping on me. The forecast was for partly cloudy. A cloud had moved in right over my house and it was raining. I took the clothes off the line and into the house. I was on my computer for awhile and then went to my neighbor's yard sale over at the Valero station. They had some nice things but I didn't need any. I need to get rid of my stuff not buy more. I always take a look to see if perhaps there is something that I have missing from my set of dishes or something I could use. I need some picture frames that are 4 feet x 8 feet. They are expensive to buy new so I keep on the look out for them.
I drove down the road to get some corn but the lady wasn't there. I thought that was odd so I went a little farther to see if there was another stand. It wasn't open either. I browsed in a little gift shop on the corner. They had some neat stuff but expensive. On the way back home, the lady had her farm stand open and I realized I had been too early. They needed time to pick the corn. I stopped in the Library to get a movie as it's suppose to rain today but the sun is shinning. Go figure. They predict sun and it rains and they predict rain and the sun is out.
I walked Sparky when I got home and we had the other half of my sub from Friday night. I had the corn for dinner.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Friday Flower Bloggin'
My beautiful lily is blooming, however, this photo was taken by Ted when we lived in Vineland. I dug the lily up and brought it with me.
I went for my walk along the canal this morning. It was rather cool at 58 degrees. We walked on the Delaware side. There was not much bird activity this morning. I guess because I brought my camera this time. I did get some photos of the sun coming up over the canal and boats going through the canal.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Our early morning walks have gotten longer. We started parking down by the canal and walk 20 minutes one way and then turn around. Monday, we walked all the way to town and came back by way of the road. It was at least 3 miles maybe 4.
I was beat. This week has been hot and humid. The mornings are cool but the humidity is high. It is nice walking along the canal. Yesterday, we walked in the direction of Delaware. It is only a quarter mile to the east. We walked along the canal and there was no sign of civilization. No houses were visible from the canal. It was quiet and peaceful. Today, we walked toward Chesapeake City and Bald Eagles were fishing in the canal. We saw them diving for fish and flying around. I tried to get a photo but the glare from the sun was so bad I couldn't see what I was taking. I got an empty sky. I should have put it on video but my phone camera is not convenient for taking photos. There are too many levels of buttons to push and sort through. Then I have to save it and if I forget, I lose the photo. I have to save and then shot another. My regular camera can click, click, click to get several photos. I haven't been bring it because, I like to travel light while walking.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Steeple Chasin'
St. Mary Anne's Church North Elk Parish in North East, MD. The congregation was formed in 1706 and this building was built in 1742. It is the oldest church in Cecil County.
We went to the fireworks on July 6th in North East, MD. I went with my niece, Cheryl, her husband, Ed and their son, Ethan.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Friday Flower Bloggin'
Oh my, I haven't blogged for a week. I have been busy with yard work in the morning and then vegetating in the afternoon. I also am busy running to the church to do some computer work. The first part of the week it was hazy, hot, and humid. By afternoon, I stay in the air conditioning. The past couple days, it has been cool with low humidity. Sparky doesn't like the heat either. When he gets back from his walk, he lays down and sleeps.
I also spend time on the computer with my photos. Scanning in old photos. I post them on facebook. Thursday is Throw Back Thursday and people post their old photos. I like to post the old farm photos for my cousins to enjoy.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Friday Flower Bloggin'
Portulacas are doing well and so are the hydrangeas. Juan came yesterday to look at the hot water heater. When the connection leaked, it ran down into the electrical system and scorched the insulation. The insulation was soaked and the electrical parts had some of the plastic melted. He was going to see if he could replace the parts but I wondered what other damage the water had done inside and we both agreed it would be wiser to get a new one. He got one a Lowe's last night and will put it in today after he gets home from work.
He has been extremely helpful to me. He works for a plumber, does farm work for a farmer and various odd jobs for the neighbors. His wife works as a maid for one of the Bed and Breakfast. They are good hardworking people and have two lovely children.
The awning people are coming tomorrow to do the installation. I will be glad to get my awning up and my house put back together. All the dishes and glasses from the china closet are on the kitchen table and counters.
I also did some church financial work yesterday. I had to cut a check for the roof repair and now we find that the bell tower is in terrible shape. It will need a lot of work. The workmen put the rope for ringing the bell up high so no one could reach it. We don't want to bell to come crashing down on anyone.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Oh Bummer! the awning people had problems with the installation so said they would be back today with different tools they needed to install it. After getting a hose replaced on my hot water heater, the element has burned out. Last night I smelled something burning. I had the doors open to let the cool air come in so I went out the east side to sniff the air and smelled nothing, I went out the west side and smelled noting in the air there. I sniffed around to the hot water heater and it was coming from there. I turned off the water to it and the electric. Now I have to wait for my plumber to look at it and I'll have to buy a new one. It has a five year warranty and I've had it five years last May.
I have been weeding the flower beds early in the morning after my two mile walk. When the sun get up over the trees, it is too hot to work outside.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Steeple Chasin'
Middletown Presbyterian Church. I believe this is in Middletown, DE, but I don't recognize it. It may be some other Middletown. I'll have to have another look in my photo album to see what's with it.
It's been a busy weekend. I'll try to download my video of the fireworks later.
News from the Vorlon Wife.