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Steeple Chasin"
This church is located in or near Bridgeton, NJ. I took the photo when my brother and I were doing the NJ Lighthouse Challenge.
One of my dear friends, Ruth, is very ill and it is very serious. I have missed Ruth's comforting and encouraging comments on my blog. She has been an inspiration to both Ted and myself. I just wish I could do the same for her. I lift her up in my prayers and ask anyone out there to do the same. Since facebook, I no longer have many followers on my blog. At one time, Ted and I had many followers but now there are only 2 or 3.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Saturday, August 30, 2014
My grandnephew, Ethan and I on the Bohemia River with his mom, dad, and grandmother.
Friday Flower Bloggin'
My hydrangeas were beautiful this year even though they are supposed to be blue. I put lots of Holly Tone and Miracid on them but I guess it's not enough. They do have a blue tinge to them. My concrete driveway changed the Ph of the soil which is acidic here. They lime leaches out of the concrete when it rains or snows. I planted a blue one out in the yard away from the driveway so we'll see how it does next year.
It's hard to believe the summer's over. I didn't get to the beach once this year. Ted and I used to go every Saturday. I miss those days.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
I threw my back out Sunday after church. I was changing to go to Ethan's Birthday party and I felt it go out. It was Sunday so I had to wait until Monday to go to the Chiropractor. It was probably ready to go out because of the previous two days of doing yard work. I had to drag myself to the church office Monday and Tuesday to do some computer work. I wish they would find someone to help me. I have to do it all since Ursula is unable. My back is still somewhat sore today but I am walking better and I can get out of bed and up off the sofa without wincing in pain.
It is really a hot one today. The electric company put the brakes on my air-conditioner. It won't go on until the temp. in here reaches 80 degrees. This is only the second time this summer that they had to do that. I was wondering why it felt so warm in here so I looked at the thermostat and it said 79. It usually goes on at 78. I thought it was broken at first then I looked at the box beside my air-conditioner and the red light was on. I volunteered to have that put on as I get a discount on my electric bill. I thought two degrees wouldn't make that much difference. Wrong! It's not too bad as I have the overhead fans going and it will cool down quickly around 6pm.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Steeple Chasin'
This church I believe is in Tuckerton, NJ. We passed it on our lighthouse tour on our way to the Tuckerton Seaport Lighthouse. It is between Barnigate and Atlantic City.
I did more yard work yesterday and Friday. Weeding and mulching. I spread the mulch along the garden next to the road around the trees on the east side and weeded along the west side near the deck and patio area. I put some more white stones along the road beside the landscaping timbers near the fence. School has started and people park their cars there. Last year, I had a problem with people running over my flowerbed. Still so much more to do. I can't keep up with the darn things. I was exhausted all afternoon and even turned down an invitation to dinner. I had a large tuna hoagie for lunch and was feeling stuffed and bloated.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Friday Flower Bloggin'
My hibiscus was beautiful this year. It has grown and had lots of blooms. Ted bought it for me at a farm market in Vineland. I brought it with me. The only problem is that the leaves have been eaten by Japanese Beatles. I didn't realize it until the leaves looked like lace.
I had my eye exam on Tuesday. All was well.
I have been weeding and mulching my flowerbeds. It seems to never end. I haven't gotten done from the spring. I was going to adjust my landscaping timber but when I started to pick it up, there was a garter snake sleeping underneath it. I gently put it back down. I hope it slithers away and hasn't begun hibernating.
News from the Vorlon Wife
Steeple Chasin'
This little church is located along the road between North East, MD and Charlestown, MD. I didn't get the name as it is a drive by photo.
Yesterday, I went to Middletown, got some gas for $3.329 and then to Lowe's. My phone rang several times while driving down the road. I didn't answer it until I got to Lowes parking lot. I don't know who the first two were from . Someone wanted to donate things for the Church Bazaar in Nov. and I was the only person she could think of to open the church. The other call was from my niece inviting me to go out on their boat. When I got home, the lady who wanted to donate things called again and said she sold all her stuff at the yard sale so I didn't have to meet her at the church. I walked Sparky and threw my stuff in my beach bag and went to Cheryl's. We had a nice day out on the boat. Cheryl's cousin on her mother's side, anchored along side us and the children played in the sand on the beach. The air was cool so I decided not to go in the water. I should have laid down and let the boat rock me to sleep for a nice nap. I enjoyed watching the boats, ducks, and other birds along the river. Cheryl's mother-in-law was there, too. It was a beautiful day with low humidity and felt a little fall-like. The summer will soon be over. Sad to see it come to an end. The children start back to school this Thursday.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Friday Flower Bloggin'
I have a butterfly bush on each side of my sidewalk. I feel like I walk through a rainbow of butterflies.
Yesterday, I went shopping with my neighbor, Alice. We had lunch at the Chinese Buffet and then went to Boscov's. It's not that far but I dread going there with all the traffic. I wasn't too bad yesterday. I found some king size pillow cases which were on sale and a few other items. We went in Bath and Body but I found their prices way higher than Boscov's. The pillow cases were twice as much. They ranged from thirty dollars to seventy dollars.
Alice had a 20% discount coupon at Boscov's that she let me use so I got the discount and the sale price. Boscov's is great that way.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
We had lots of rain yesterday. It started a drizzle in the morning and then it poured and poured all day. It changed from pouring hard to pouring harder. For a while, it was as my friend Marge puts it, "A real toad stabber."
When it let up slightly, I donned Sparky and myself in our raincoats and ventured out into the rain. He got soaked because he would shake and his raincoat would blow up toward his head and his back would get wet.
During the toad stabber, the rain came gushing off the roof where the gable is and shot out past the rain barrel. The rain barrel was already overflowing after the first five minutes of when the rain started.
I was able to do my work at the church and go to the CCEA with my food donation. I browed around the thrift store and got 3 pair of jeans and two king size pillow cases. They are hard to find. Even some king size sheet sets have regular size pillow cases. I got a couple really nice sheets from them at their spring yard sale but no pillow cases to go with them. They either didn't have them at the time or I didn't see them. Anyway, I washed them yesterday and have changed the sheets today. The bottom sheet is red, white, and blue stripe and the top sheet is navy. The pillow cases are navy. My walls are neutral so I can us any color for my bed.
got a lot of my ironing done during the afternoon.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
This is a photo of the 10th Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, PA. I used to listen to their Pastor, James Montgomery Boyce, on the radio but he passed away about 10 years ago. I was intrigued by the name 10th Presbyterian Church. Many communities have First Presbyterian Churches but they are the only Presbyterian Church in the community. I know Philadelphia had a First but it was a colonial church and no longer exists. There is a colonial 3rd Presbyterian Church that I saw one time but was not open to go in when I was there.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Friday Flower Bloggin'
My hydrangea's did well this year but they are supposed to be blue. They look pretty in pink but I can't seem to put enough Hollytone on them to make them blue. Ever since I had my concrete driveway put in, they have turned pink. I think lime leaches out of the concrete into the flowerbed.
My friend, Marlene came over this morning and helped me paint my deck. The man came to powerwash it on Wednesday. I thought he wasn't going to come for such a small job. I had my colonoscopy done Wednesday morning so I rested in the afternoon. The anesthesia made me sleepy. All went well with it.
Yesterday, I worked at the church office and I also worked there this morning.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Sunrise over the water on the C&D canal. All summer, my friends, Alice and Sue, and I have been walking along the canal at 6am. This photo was taken in Delaware. We start very close to the Delaware - Maryland line. We sometimes walk east into Delaware passing this fishing pier and sometimes we walk west to Chesapeake City.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
This is the Holmes Presbyterian Church where I grew up and where Ted and I were married.
Yesterday, I went to People's Plaza in Glasgow, DE to do some shopping. I went in the DollarTree to get a few things. I bought a bunch of items for the church's back to school mission and a few things I needed for the house. I always get more than I went in for.
Next, I went in the pet store to get Sparky's dog food. Then it was the Home Depot. I need some top soil to fill in a big hole where I dug out the Pompas grass. I planted a butterfly bush in there. My neighbor gave it to me but I fear it is a white one and I'd rather have a purple one.
Next to Walgreen's to pick up some medicine and school back packs for the church mission.
From there, I went to the Acme to get some food.
This morning, I went to church early to cut a check to give to someone. I should have done it on Friday but I wasn't sure what I needed to do. After the service, I counted the offering and went to a gift store across from the church. I bought a toy John Deer tractor set for my grand nephew's birthday. It will be coming up soon.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Friday Flower Bloggin'
My portulacas with a couple ageratums along the road and vincas along the driveway.
It has started to rain and it's coming down hard. I was able to get some yard work done this morning and get to the church to see what needed to be paid. When I got home, I had some lunch and took Sparky out. I hope we get a break in the rain when it's time to take him out again.
Tuesday, I went to my friend, Ella's with a group of ladies from the church. She has a summer cottage on the North East River near Charlestown, MD. She invites our group every summer. Everyone brings a dish and we have a variety of food for our lunch. After lunch, we play a game that is similar to Dominoes but with numbers on the tiles rather than dots. We had a very nice time.
Monday and Wednesday, I did more yard work and other jobs around the house. The weeding has to be done continuously and I am just getting my mulch put down. It's starting to shape up.
News from the Vorlon Wife.