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Friday Flower Bloggin'
My mother-in-law's fall sedum taken October 2011. This is a beautiful red fall color. I had them in Vineland but they were a pale lavender. They were beautiful but more of a spring color. They bloom in October and November or until a hard frost.
A blast from the past. My Halloween outfit in 1966. I wrote on the back of the photo, "Guess who I am dressed as?" I don't remember but I look like Phyllis Diller.
This morning, a tree frog was peeping in the window of the storm door at me. At first, I thought it was a leaf but then I took a closer look. They are so cute. Occasionally, they are on the doors and windows of my house. Sometimes on the deck railing.
I took Sparky to the groomers this morning. He put his brakes on while walking across the parking lot. He does not like to be groomed or to get a bath. I don't know if he is afraid or just doesn't like it. He looks so cute when he is done but he'd rather be left unkempt.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Me, my niece, Cheryl, and Joanne, Cheryl's mother-in-law enjoying a day on the Bohemia River. Photo was taken by Cheryl's husband, Ed with Ethan in his lap.
Steeple Chasin'
This church is located on the road to my niece, Tina's last Christmas. It may be in northern Maryland or in Pennsylvania.
Yesterday, I did some yard work and after lunch, my niece, Cheryl called and asked me to go out with them on their boat. We wanted to see the fall foliage reflected in the water. The sugar maples had already dropped their leaves and the other trees were not ready yet. It was, however, a nice relaxing day on the river. Afterward, we went to dinner at Schaefer's.
We all had a nice time.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Friday Flower Bloggin'
My hydrangeas have bloomed all summer. They started out light pink and as the weather turned to fall, they are a dark rose. They actually are supposed to be blue but when I put my concrete driveway in, the lime leaches out of the concrete and changed the ph so now, they are pink. I planted a blue one out further in the yard away from the driveway. I hope it is getting enough light and that it will bloom blue in the spring.
My neighbor could not get her car started to take her kids to school. They are still going to school in DE. I took them this morning. Danielle goes to the high school and Ryan goes to a middle school out in the middle of nowhere. I don't know why she didn't put them in school here. They could get the bus at the corner. I thought they were going to a Christian School but they are public schools. Her ex husband lives in DE so I guess she kept them there.
She usually takes them to get the bus just over the state line but because of her car trouble, they missed the bus. I don't mind taking them as she dog sits for me.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
My mother-in-law called this morning and said she could not get onto my blog. I tried and I couldn't get on either. I called my Dotster as I was unable to log on to their web page. The young man helped me through the problems. It seems I missed updating my info. after I moved. When someone tried to contact me, they used the old email and old address. When they got no response, they suspended my web page. Anyway, they young man was able to get me back up but it took most of the morning.
I had to run to the grocery store to get a dessert to take to the get together of the Trinity Methodist Women. I needed a few other things, too. I got junior pumpkin rolls to take to the get together. When I got home, I took out Sparky. It had rained all day and I had to a different sweater or coat on him each time I took him out as they got soaked. If not from the rain then from the grass we wondered into. I told him to keep out of the grass but he didn't listen to me. He hates being dried off. You might think I was torturing him. He lifts his paws so I can dry them but he growls the whole time.
Last night, at 2am, I awoke to Sparky standing on my chest licking my face. They when he knew I was awake, he jumped down and ran into the living room, by the time I got up, he was standing by the kitchen door wagging his tail. He wanted to go out. I put my rain coat over my pajamas and put on my boots. He made haste for the back yard and did his business. I hope he sleeps through tonight; I am tired.
News from the Vorlon Wife
Steeple Chasin'
This church is located on the way to Sea Girt, NJ. I took the photo when I did the NJ Lighthouse Challenge a few years ago.
Yesterday, I did a lot of yard work. I put mulch around my azaleas and rhododendrons to get them ready for winter. I did two loads of wash and hung them out on the line. It was windy so they dried quickly. I did a little weeding as I mulched. It's amazing how fast the weeds grow. We had a couple good rains and I have to keep weeding all year it seems. I have some weeds that grow straight through the winter.
Raking the leaves will start soon. The maples are coming down and so are the oaks. The oaks seem to be early. Usually, they don't come down until December. We are expecting a N'oreaster so that will bring them down.
It is very windy today and I heard a limb come down out back but don't see anything. It may be on the other side of the stream.
I also got a take out dinner at the Presbyterian Church on the north side of the canal. They had a delicious turkey dinner. I didn't get done half of it before I was full. I can eat it today if I don't hear from my niece. Her mother-in-law is staying with them for a couple weeks and we usually go out to dinner when she is here.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Friday Flower Bloggin'
My beautiful impatiens taken in Vineland, October 2007. I haven't had very good luck with impatiens here in Chesapeake City. They take a lot of water. Ted had a soaker hose hooked up along the flower gardens in Vineland. They were watered twice a day. We not allowed to do that here. We weren't allowed to use the hose at all this year. Next year, I will have my neighbor hook up a sump pump in the stream out back and I can water all I want. I tried using a rain barrel this year but I had to fill up the jugs and lug the water around the flower beds and I have a lot of them. We have been getting a lot of rain this Oct. so I had to dump the rain barrel a couple times to make room for the next rainfall. Plus, I have the jugs lined up on the steps. It's a pain. I am going to transplant some trees so after I water them, I will dump the rain barrel and put it away. The jugs will get tossed.
I haven't done much this week. I had a sore throat so didn't go to choir practice. It was gone the next day so I guess it was allergies.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Friday Flower Bloggin'
The photo is of the gardens at Hereford Lighthouse in North Wildwood, NJ. This was taken in October of 2012. The gardens are always so lovely.
I wanted to start my exercise class this week but I had to do some work in the church office. My helper didn't show up. I don't know if there was a misunderstanding or what. I feel disappointed. She was really good with accounting and the computer.
I worked on getting my house plants in. I hosed them down and put some potting soil is the ones that needed it. I had to repot one and when I took it out of its pot, ants ran up my arm and bit me under my watch. I have two welts one my wrist and one near the inside of my elbow. They itch like crazy.
I am very worried about my friend Ruth. I don't know if she is reading this but prayers are being sent your way and I hope your are OK. I miss reading your comments. You were always so uplifting and comforting.
News From the Vorlon Wife.
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Yesterday, I went to the church to meet with Tucker for a few minutes. He arrived about an hour late and then went around fixing things in the church before he met with me. He needed some financial information. Tucker is the head of the Trustees. I finally got home around lunch time and had to take Sparky out. I hosed off some of my plants and put them in the laundry room to dry. I had to prepare a space to put them. Most are quite large. After doing that, I baked my winter squash and had some ham and 3 bean salad with it.
I was still tired out from the bridge walk and the top of my feet was sore and it went on up my lower shins. It was from the incline of the bridge.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Sunday Steeple Chasin"
This church was somewhere along the road between here and Brookhaven, PA. It was taken last year so I don't remember where it was.
I was tired out from my bridge walk yesterday. The town had a Bridge Run/Walk Challenge. My friend Sandy and I did the walk for 3.1 miles up over the bridge and out along the canal and then to the ball field where we registered. It had rained and Bethel Road was flooded. I was a car coming through in the opposite direction and it looked passable. It was only misting and I didn't think we got that much rain to cause the flooding. Someone at the ball field said it was high tide. Anyway, while standing in line to get my number and my shirt, it started pouring and I got wet I looked around and rain under the PNC Bank tent while I waited for the bus to take me over the bridge. I first went to my car and got a trash bag to make a raincoat out of. it kept me dry and warm. Sandy and I stepped over the finish line together. We finished 24th out of 88 for the walk.
After I got home and walked the dog, Sandy called and invited me to dinner. She lives over near my nephew, Rick in Delaware. She had an excellent dinner with homemade pasta sauce. She also had cream of asparagus soup and a nice fresh salad. For desert, she had a chocolate mouse with coconut sprinkled on it. I do not like coconut but I first woofed the part with the coconut down and then enjoyed the rest.
I had a nice time. Sandy sings in the choir with me and she goes to some of the exercise classes. I am happy to have found a friend my age who is active like me.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Friday Flower Bloggin'
This is a photo of my mother-in-law's beautiful asters taken at the house where she used to live. I have been busy this week with church finances. I am training a helper. She is very knowledgeable with the computer and finances.
We had choir practice last night but the organist wasn't there. She flies around the country a lot and her plane was delayed at Chicago because of the heavy volume of passengers due to the problems at the airport there. We did our best to sing without the piano. I hope she was able to get home last night.
Please pray for my good friend, Carol. She has cancer and I just got a note from her sister asking for prayer because Carol is things are not going so well for her. Carol and I grew up together. She lived across the street from me. Also, pray for my good friend, Ruth. I haven't heard from her for a long time. She is having health problems. She used to comment on my blog almost daily. I hope she is OK.
News from the Vorlon Wife.