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In memory of my good friend Carol Hunsberger Ebinger. Photo was taken with my mother during Apple Blossom Time in late April or early May around 1962. Carol lost her battle with cancer on Monday December 22, 2014. I met Carol when I was four years old. We were the same age and went all through school together. It is really sad. I am sad for Carol's family. Her funeral service is tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
A lovely church I found in my picture library. I don't remember what church it is or where it was taken. I like taking photos of churches.
I went to church this morning, sang in the choir, and counted the offering afterward. Home to walk Sparky and have some of my turkey stew.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Saturday, December 27, 2014
I got right to work cleaning, changing linens and cooking a turkey stew in the morning. After lunch, it was such a nice day that I raked leaves. I had a kid rake them into three big piles so I could mulch them up with my mower. I couldn't get it started, however. I hadn't used it all summer as I had someone cut the grass and he brought his own mover. I only used it a couple times in the spring after I got it out of the shop. It will have to go back in. I raked the leaves onto my flower beds down next to the spillway. When I get the mower back, I'll pull them out and mulch them up. After I finished there, I put my empty plastic container back into the shed. They had Christmas decorations in them but it rained and rained and I didn't want to put them away wet. I walked Sparky, fed him and went to my niece, Cheryl's for a dinner of leftover Christmas food. I stuffed myself once again and am having a hard time fitting into my clothes. Looks like I'll have to make some New Year's resolutions to take off the weight.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Friday, December 26, 2014
My tree with blue, white, silver and clear theme.
A day to relax but I had to go to the bank to get the receipts for the deposit and then to the church to enter them in the computer. I had to go back to the bank because someone put a 5 EURO dollar in the offering plate. They tellers and bank manager had to look up the exchange rate and do a lot of paper work to deposit it.
Home again to relax after the festivities of the past couple days and to look at my gifts. My brother and sister-in=law gave me a nice pair of rain boots. They are much needed for walking Sparky in the wet grass. Cheryl had invited me for leftovers so I didn't prepare anything for dinner. She forgot, however, she had to go to Wilmington to get her paycheck and ate at a restaurant there. So will have me join them for dinner tomorrow. I looked in the freezer and pulled out a frozen hamburger for my dinner and shared some of it with Sparky.
I talked with my friend, Dottie. One of our childhood friends, Carol passed away on Monday and we wanted to go to the service together. I met Carol when my family moved to Holmes when I was 4 years old. We grew up and went all through school together. They were 4 of us girls all the same age. Twins, Rosie and Dottie, and Carol and I shared so many childhood memories. Carol was battling cancer for the past couple years. Cancer has taken so many lives. It is just horrible.
I was all ready to watch a mystery on PBS as it had listed on the schedule but they put on the July 4th Star Spangled Spectacular program that I had seen on the Forth of July. What a bummer. I took Sparky out and then got into my jammies and will get into bed with a book.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Thursday, December 25, 2014
I packed the gifts in the car so I could get them out of my livingroom so I could straighten things up. I had plenty of time as dinner at my niece, Cheryl wasn't until 4pm. I made another dish of Waldorf salad to take to Cheryl's. All the family was there except for my nephew and his family. Rick had to work and his family went to Michelle's mother's. It is Michelle's birthday and they always go to her mother's for Christmas and her birthday. They have everyone to their house on Christmas Eve.
Cheryl and Ed had a nice dinner and Ethan was overwhelmed with his gifts from Santa Claus. He is three now and this is the first time he realized that Santa comes and brings toys.
I followed Don to the marina to see the lights in Chesapeake City. They have lights of ships across the harbor and around the docks. It is a pretty sight to see.
Home to feed Sparky and my fish.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
More dark, dreary, drizzly rain and fog. They only good thing I can say about this weather is at least it isn't snow. We would be buried. I got up early, made my Waldorf salad and wrapped my gifts. I delivered the pumpkin bread gifts to some of my neighbors but had to wait for others to awaken. Off to the Wine and Spirit store to get the wine. They even removed the tags and put it in fancy bags for me. One was a birthday gift and they put it in a birthday bag. I had to stop in the church office again. Someone had left a gift there for me.
Home again to get everything ready. Off to my nephew, Rick's for Christmas Eve dinner. They had a lovely dinner and most of the family was there. My nephew, Bob wasn't able to come and neither was my niece, Tina and her husband, Sean. I was too foggy and they will be coming tomorrow to this area tomorrow.
I left at 5:30 to come home, walk Sparky and get ready for church. The service was at 7 but had to rehearse with the choir. We were singing 4 songs. It was a nice candlelight service with lots of music with an angel theme. Tucker and I had to stay to count the money. Everyone had left so we had to lock up. Tucker followed me to the bank to deposit the money. I didn't want to find someone lurking around to rob the money.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
I woke up early and baked my pumpkin bread. I baked 5 small loafs yesterday and will bake 3 medium size today. I haven't made it in years so I hope it turns out good.
Off to the church, someone needed a check. I found food and clothing donations left for the food pantry so I took them over to the Ecumenical Assoc. They keep running out of food and the people of the community have been generous in helping poor families.
More last minute shopping and home again. More rainy drizzly weather. So depressing. I can't believe tomorrow is Christmas Eve. I just have to get a couple bottles of wine for my nieces and get everything wrapped up. I bought gift bags but some of my gifts are too big. I have to dig some boxes out of the closet. They are fancy so they just need a ribbon on them.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Monday, December 22, 2014
I went to the church and bank to record the deposits and pay some bills.
I ran around doing some last minute shopping.
It was a miserable day; drizzly, wet, rainy, cold.
Every time I took Sparky out, his sweater's got soaking wet. Several of his new Christmas sweaters do not fit. My friend gave him two that are too small and I got him a coat that is too small.
I got him a blue sweater but it will get filthy in this weather.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Sunday, December 21. 2014
Chesapeake City UMC with candles in the windows.
I went to church this morning and found that Ted's name was not on the list for the memorial poinsettias. I was so ticked I could not focus on the service. I gave the lady my list twice and she took my records off my desk and now I have no record of who paid. The pastor said to print the partial list which I had objected to even before I knew my name wasn't on it. I had to write a check to the greenhouse and the woman forgot to bring me the money she had collected. I can't believe people run around with the church's money. They drive me nuts.
It was finally a nice day with sunshine. Enjoy while we have it as the next three days got back to mist, rain, cloudy, cold and miserable. This is the dreariest December I ever remember.
News from the Vorlon Wife
Saturday, December 20, 2014
I went to my brother, Don's. He was shopping in the morning so we timed it just right and arrived at his house at the same time. I forgot Sparky's crate but had a portable one in my trunk so I tried it out. I threw a treat inside and he went right in. The three of us walked to the WaWa (a convenience store) and got some sandwiches for lunch. I waited outside with Sparky. Don got roast beef club sandwich with horse radish. I like horse radish but this was really hot. It opened up my sinuses real good. I was having a problem with clogged sinuses and was afraid it would become an infection. Well, the horse radish did the trick. I should keep some on hand.
After lunch, we picked up my brother, Rick and his wife, Sylvia and went to the cemetery. I was unable to find any grave blanket around here since the Apple Barn closed. On the way to Don's, I saw a place at Rita's Water Ice selling trees and things for the cemetery so we stopped there to get my grave blanket which was twice as expensive as I had been paying at the Apple Barn. I also go a log for my parents grave. Don had gotten a little live tree at the Acme Super Market and some red balls and garland at Kmart. He figured it cost less then the grave blanket. Rick and Sylvia usually get a blanket at Produce Junction but they were sold out. They got a wreath. Anyway, off to the cemetery we went. I brought a brush to brush off the fall leaves and debris and we all put out things on the graves. Don decorated his tree which he anchored down with tent stakes.
When we got back, I took Sparky for a walk and packed up the car to come home. I usually stay overnight but there have been burglaries in the area and I didn't want to leave the house empty all weekend. I guess people are getting desperate. Our food bank usually serves 20 people a month and last Tuesday they had 20 in one day and the next day 22. They had to put a sign on the door that they were out of food. Come back next week. They are appealing to all the church for food..
The government keeps saying the economy is getting better. I wonder what planet they are living on.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Friday Flower Bloggin'
I don't remember where this holly with berries was taken but it is very festive for the season. It was taken in December 2011 so it must be here in Chesapeake City.
I spent the whole morning at the church office. A check was needed for the poinsettias and some bills came in that needed to be paid.
After lunch, I went to Kmart to get a few things. I looked in the shoe store and there was nothing there that I would want to wear. Next, I went to the Dollar store to get some gift bags and a few other things. I stopped in the hardware store to see if the gliders had come in but they hadn't. They said maybe next week. I'll have to try Walmart.
It was sunny today but cold and windy. We're supposed to have a nasty rain on Christmas. I don't have to go far but my brother's do. I hope either Don or Bob will bring Rick and Sylvia. Rick doesn't like driving this far and especially in the rain.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Oh my, I've had a busy time with concerts, rehearsals, and getting ready for Christmas. I still have some shopping to do. I finished doing my Christmas cards last night and will take them to the PO this morning. I have some cleaning and straightening up to do in the house. The trees are up and the outdoor lights are up and the stockings are hung. I have to gift bag and wrap gifts and some baking to do.
My concerts went well. I finished with them last Sunday singing with the Newark DE Symphony Orchestra. The lady next to me said I had a nice voice. That was good to hear because I feel self-conscious hoping I am good enough and don't ruin the concert. I was standing between two good soprano singers and right in front of a lady who sang a solo of The First Noel without a microphone. I was able to go up to the high notes with them.
Sparky keeps me busy. He likes going out on walks and knows the schedule. He somehow knows the time to go out and stands in front of me wagging his tail.
I had some bad news yesterday. My good friend, Carol, was put on Hospice. She has been battling cancer for two years. She asked her family if it was OK for her to go to be with Jesus. Her parents were waiting for her. I've known Carol since we were four years old. We went all through school together. I pray for her and her family.
News from the Vorlon Wife
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Last night's performance of the Cecil County Choral Society at the Elkton UMC, I am in the back on the left between the Christmas tree and someone's music folder.
It was a wonder season and we had a lot of fun doing it.
News from The Vorlon Wife.
Sunday, December 7, 2014
We had an awesome concert. The Cecil County Choral Society performed at Mt. Zion UMC in Cecilton, MD. I am the first on the left. This photo was taken at a previous concert last year or maybe the year before.
I went to church in the morning and sang in the choir. I spent the next hour sorting and counting the offering. When I got home, I took Sparky out and got ready for the concert.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Saturday, December 6, 2014
I was a rainy miserable day. I went to the dollar store and the grocery store. Sparky got soaking wet each time I took him out.
In the afternoon, I went to my grand niece's birthday party. There were alots of kids playing games, doing crafts and running all over the house.
Ryleigh's grandparents, my brother, and I found a quiet spot in the livingroom to enjoy our food and have a nice conversation. The kids had a grand time and Ryleigh enjoyed her party and gifts.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Friday Flower Bloggin'
In the bleak beginnings of winter, a lonely snapdragon struggles to bloom under the autumn leaves in my flower garden.
News from the Vorlon Wife
Thursday, December 4, 2014
I went to the church office to finish up the work I did yesterday and a whole lot of bills came in the mail. I was there all morning and will have to go back tomorrow. My helper is taking longer than I anticipated. She is not confident to do the work on her own yet. I really feel burned out doing this job.
I did some wash in the morning and put my ice skating pond under the tree along with the track for the train. I have to get the village out of the shed to finish setting it up. I put the hooks on the windows for the wreaths and that's about all I got done for today. I went to choir practice this evening.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
I spent some of the morning on the computer and then put up the tree in my livingroom. I started yesterday but it takes three days to get the tree up, decorated and the village under it. I got the lights, and ornaments on. It is a lovely tree decorated in blue, silver, clear, and white. When the train and village are in place, I will throw the artificial snow all over it. It looks very wintery.
News from the Vorlon Wife
Tuesday, December 2. 2014
This photo was taken two years ago. I am on the left right under the pipe organ pipes. Tonight, we had our concert at the West Nottingham Presbyterian Church near Rising Sun, MD. It was a long drive down dark country roads. I'm glad Nancy was driving. I would have never found this place. The concert went well. Nancy, Joan, Kaye and I were pleased. I hope our director, Kevin was. He is very good at hearing mistakes but very patient when he comments on them. He doesn't single anyone out but comments on the group whether it be sopranos or tenors.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Monday, December 1, 2014
I spent the whole morning at the church doing the bills and reconciling the check book. I didn't get done. I had to get home and take Sparky out. After lunch, I had to go to the store and get some command strips to put the hooks up for my wreaths. I cleaned the windows with alcohol where the hooks need to be placed. I did some house work and updated my Christmas Card list. Made sure my concert outfit was ready.
We had dress rehearsal tonight for the concert. We don't wear our outfits, but we got through the songs in the order we will sing in the concert. The flute players and drummer were there to accompany us.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Sunday, November 30, 2014
I went to church and sang in the choir. When I got home, I got some Christmas decorations out of the shed. I got the wreaths for the windows, two fiber optic trees, and the tree for the living room along with the lights and ornaments that go on it. The container and boxes are piled up in my kitchen.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Saturday, November 29. 2014
My microwave went on the fritz yesterday. It's under warranty so back to Sears in Middletown I took it. Good thing I kept my old one as it will be in the shop for two or three weeks. This is the third time I took it back. My brother has one just like it and has never had a problem. On to Walmart. No green led lights there. On to Home Depot. Yes they had them at twice the price. I need two sets. One set on my Alberta Spruce didn't work and I couldn't fix it. I needed another set because the tree grew. I finished putting the lights on when I got home. At least the tree and bush is done.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Friday, November 28, 2014
Friday Flower Bloggin'
A little snap dragon is all that's left in my flower gardens.
I did some shopping today but right here in Chesapeake City at the new little shop. She had a two for one sale on most items. Lots of nice children's books, games and toys. No traffic, and a parking space right in front of the shop. Only a half mile from my house.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Thursday, November 27, 2014 Thanksgiving Day
My niece, Tina with my grand nephew, Ethan. Tina and her husband, Sean hosted our family dinner. We had a lovely family gathering with good food. They had 8 inches of snow on the ground whereas, we had a mix of rain and snow with no accumulation. They are further west and at a higher elevation.