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Friday Flower Bloggin'
This photo was taken February 26, 2012. Today, the spot is covered with snow and the leaves have not popped out of the frozen ground yet.
I was planning to go to Redner's Supermarket first thing this morning but when I looked out on the deck it was once again covered with snow and it was snowing. Yesterday, there was no snow in the forecast. Everyone one is so sick of this stuff. I saw a post on Facebook that said, "I feel like I'm living in a snow globe and someone keeps shaking it." That about sums it up.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I didn't feel well on Monday. I think it was side effects to that pneumonia shot I got on Friday. I looked it up and I didn't have rash or swelling at the site but the next thing was fatigue. That's what I had, extreme fatigue. I laid around all day and went to bed early. I felt a little better in the morning. I rested up Tuesday and went to choral practice in the evening. It was canceled last week and we don't have much time until our concert.
Wednesday, I went to the church and did some work in the office. We had no church on
Sunday so there was no offering. I had to make sure we had enough to pay our bills.
Wednesday night, our church hosted the Lenten super and service. We had about 10 kinds of homemade soup to choose from. I got the Maryland Crab and the chicken corn chowder. The crab was good but the chicken had too many minced onions in it. It was served with Italian bread. For dessert, Chris offered samples of her homemade Easter Eggs. They are an annual fund raiser for our pre-school.
I saw there was no one to light the candles so I grabbed the thing that lights them and my friend Sandy stood up and met me at the back of the church. The guest pastor was Pastor Dana from the AME Church. She is a very dynamic speaker.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Remembering my dear husband, Ted. This photo was taken at Pennypack Park, Philadelphia in 1971. They were happy times.
Church was canceled today. We had 8 inches of snow and then it rained. My road is a sheet of ice. It's almost ten AM and not a creature is stirring. I took Sparky out the front door as there was some snow on the steps and hadn't iced over. We walked out to the driveway, took a look at the ice then headed for the back yard. He had to hop like a bunny but was able to do his business.
I guess I'll bake a cherry pie in honor of George Washington.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Saturday, February 21, 2015
I have been lax again with my posting. Facebook takes up so much time going through it that I have to leave the computer and get some things done.
The cold weather continues. We had more snow on Tuesday. The roads got cleared up right away but Chorale was canceled. I liked getting a break but I really need the practice as our concert is coming up soon on March 22. St. Rose's has a Mardi Gras and Pancake Tuesday dinner that I was able to enjoy without rushing off to practice.
Wednesday afternoon, my niece, Cheryl, her husband, Ed and son, Ethan and I went to Glasgow Park in Delaware where they have a big hill that is great for sledding. What a disappointment to see the hill bare. Evidently, they didn't get as much snow as we. It is only a 15 minute drive from here. Most I guess got sledded off on Tuesday. We were able to sled down the north side but there was very little snow there and it was a shorter run. What made it really bad is that the snow cover was so thin that the goose droppings came through and were all over the place. Getting up out of the toboggan was a challenge. As was climbing back up the hill.
Wednesday night, I went to the Lenten Soup and Ash Wednesday Service at the Ebenezer AME. It is located way out in the sticks on a lane that looks like a driveway to a horse farm. The entrance to the drive is easy to miss especially in the dark.
The temperature has been hovering around zero the past few mornings, dipping to -2 at sunrise with a windchill of -15. It's been horrid.
I don't remember much of Thursday. On Friday, I had to see the doctor. I was not sick but needed my prescription refilled. I haven't been to see her for 8 months so she wanted me to come in. I didn't like going in with all the people who have the flu and the germs were probably all over the office. She gave me the new pneumonia shot and had some blood work done to make sure my medication didn't have any side effects. All was well. She also scheduled some routine tests and it's been 2 years since they were done. UG!
Now, I am awaiting another storm this afternoon. We're expecting 3 to 5 inches and then 2 to 3 inches of sleet turning to rain on Sunday. What a mess that will be. I wonder if we'll be having church.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Sunday, February 15, 2015
I woke up late, it was 7:15 and 4 degrees with a wind chill below zero. I took Sparky out, ate, got ready for church, brushed off the car and drove down the road. I parked in front of the church as I figured not many would be there. The choir didn't sing as there were not enough of us. There were only about 15 people there.
I took Sparky out again when I got home. He had trouble getting the snow stuck in his feet. I had to brush his paws off so he could walk. Other than that, he just loves being out. His new coat fits well and doesn't come off like the other did.
It only got up to 15 today and is very sunny. I didn't wear my dark glasses so when I came in, I could only see green. It helped to put the light on.
I had a nice time with my niece and her family at dinner last night. It was snowing when we came out and the roads were starting to slick up. Delaware doesn't salt or plow their roads so one must be careful.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Remembering Moma and Dad on their Anniversary. 1936 - 1990
I've been doing a lot of running around. Choir practice on Thursday. Friday, I went to Middletown. I had to take the microwave back again. It's the fifth time I had to return it for the same problem. The motor doesn't shut off. It is under warranty. I hope they send me a new one. I'm tired of hauling it back and forth. I had a neighbor, Juan, carry it to the car for me. It is heavy to carry that far. The store man carried it in for me.
Next, I went to Lowe's to get the water filter for the frig. and then to the Dollar Store to get a few things.
This morning, I ran to Elkton to get gas for the car at $2.119 and then the Acme for some groceries. I went early before I had eaten breakfast as I wanted to get back before the storm. I needn't had worried about it as it was only a dusting and most has melted.
I will be going to dinner with my niece and her family and maybe my nephew and his family. We're going to the Chinese place in Middletown.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Wednesday February 11, 2015
Remembering Moma on her birthday. I miss her so much. February was her month. It was her birthday and her and Dad's anniversary on Valentine;s Day. We used to go to dinner and hope we didn't have a blizzard on that day. When I was a teenager, we would go to a Chinese Restaurant in West Philadelphia. One time we went to the Kona Kai on City Line Ave. It snowed while we were having dinner but we got home all right.
I can't believe it's been so long since I posted. I spend so much time on facebook that I don't get to my blog.
Now February is such a depressing month. Moma died on February 9th, Dad died on February 19th and Ted died on February 22nd. It's gets harder every year to get through February.
News from the Vorlon Wife.