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Monday, March 30, 2015
It was raining this morning when I took Sparky out. Halfway down the block, I saw something white fly in front of my face. Then a few more white things. The rain was mixing with snow. Boo! We're all sick of winter weather. It warms up in the afternoon but the mornings are still cold and it cools off quickly at sundown.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Sunday, March 29, 2015
I was looking forward to Rita playing "The Palms". It didn't happen. I was disappointed in the service. John sang "The Holy City" which was beautiful, however, he sang it 8 minutes before 9am. The church was half empty. I feel if they are going to start the service early than instead of advertising a 9am service they should say 8:45. If I were John, I would be very unhappy. Next, the bell choir played. Announcements had been given at 8:55, again, before people arrived. Now, they have been done away with. We were told to read the announcements in the bulletin. There were no Palm Sunday Hymns sung. The choir sang their traditional "Lift up your Gates" which has been nicknamed, "The Donkey Song:. They feel the rhythm is like riding in on a donkey. The choir has dwindled to about 8 people. The leader hasn't shown up at practice several times and I guess the people are discouraged. Anyway, this blog is where I can vent my disappointment.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Saturday, March 28, 2015
I did a few things around the house yesterday. I cleaned the fish tank. I have a moma and papa fish and one big baby, six small babies and I did have a couple dozen tiny babies but I think most of them made nice treats for the bigger fish. I saw four yesterday and two today but they are hard to spot because they are so tiny and hide in the foliage and under the rocks.
I cleaned up here and there but the whole house needs spring cleaning. I have some plastic crates that need to go into the shed but I have to get new hinges. Once I open the door, I'm not going to be able to get it closed again until I fix the hinges. I have pasted to bottom one together with wood filler but that didn't hold. The top one bent from the door swinging out with only that one hinge holding it. They both need to be replaced but the bottom one needs to go in a new location as the wood where it attaches to the frame is disintegrated. It also has the wrong kind of screws. They rounded tops and don't fit into the holes of the hinge properly. I am waiting for a nice day to do that chore.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Last week was a busy week. I was out every night for 7 nights. I can hardly stand going out 3 nights in one week. Sunday, I went to dinner with my niece and her family, Monday, we had practice with the Choral Society. It was a make-up date for snow cancellation. Tuesday, we had our regular practice. Wednesday, I went to the Lenten Service, Thursday, was choir practice. Friday was dress rehearsal for the Choral Society. Saturday, was my grand nephew's birthday. Sunday, was the Choral Society concert. I thought I could rest on Monday but someone called me at 8:30 am and wanted me to cut a check for the Easter Egg supplies she had purchased with her own credit card. I got ready and went to the church at 9:30 and waited until noon. She never showed up so I went home. She called me after I had taken Sparky out and I told her I just took out the dog and was eating my lunch. I had to go back in the afternoon.
We had another concert Tuesday night. The concerts went very well but I am exhausted. I'm glad they're over until September. I went to the Lenten Service last night. The Ecumenical Association has them. Last night it was at St. Basil's Ukrainian Catholic Church. The ladies of the church prepared 8 different kinds of soup and several loaves of homemade bread for our dinner. I tried the Borsch. I figured I might as well sample the Ukrainian fare. It had beets and carrots. It was OK. The big hit was the Loaded Potato Soup. It was excellent. The service started with the Stations of the Cross. Father Vladimir, stopped at each station in the sanctuary while we all recited prayers at that station. The priest from St. Joseph's RC church gave the sermon. I thought he did an excellent job. He spoke of how we were at the cross when Jesus was crucified. The service ended with us singing, "Were You There When They Crucified My Lord."
News from the Vorlon Wife.
March 166, 2015
Wow, it's been awhile. I have been busy with church and Choral practice. The snow is finally gone and I have started raking and cleaning up the yard. The crocuses are starting to bloom and the snow drops were blooming as the snow melted. I am on the list for the church burglar alarm. I've had three false alarms. I think too many people have the code and don't know how to use it. They enter the wrong code and go into the church. The alarm goes off and they quick put in the proper code thinking that fixes it. Once the alarm goes off, the call goes to the alarm company and they call the church. The office is locked and they think they can't answer it. I tell them there is a phone in the kitchen. I think we're going to have to have some alarm training before giving out the code. I think the problem is that people authorized to have the code are giving it to someone else when they are unable to make it to the church for some reason. The new person doesn't know how to enter the code. One day, I had to go out in a snowstorm. I had to clean 4 inches of snow off my car. Luckily, the roads had been cleared. When I got to the church, I saw the men shoveling the walks. The police had already been there, saw them shoveling and drove on by. Last Thursday, it was someone preparing food for the homeless shelter. Once a year, we host the homeless shelter. All the churches in the area take a turn or two for a week in the winter. Friday, it was pouring down rain. I had settled on the sofa with my blanket and my book when I got the call. I didn't see any lights on in the church so I waited for the police. They never came. I saw a lady with a child come out so I asked if she set off the alarm. She said no but there are people in the sanctuary. I went in and the band was practicing for their concert on Sunday night. They didn't seem to care that I had to run out in the rain. They just kept on practicing. I was ticked. The other two people apologized.
I got a gift certificate for Maria's restaurant from the church for Christmas. It was in appreciation for doing the office work. My niece texted me to see if I wanted to go to dinner somewhere cheap. I texted back and said I had the gift cert. and would treat them as Ed had shoveled my walk a couple times in Feb. So we had dinner at Maria's. I got a small cheese steak. It was huge. I said, "is this the small?" The waitress said. "Believe it or not, it is." The large must have been 3 feet long. This one was at least a foot long.
News from the Vorlon Wife.