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Last Saturday, I went to a Luau Birthday Party for my friend, Dottie's grandson. It was held at their camp ground in Maryland where many of Dottie's family have sites. Her sister, Alberta is on my left and Dottie is on my right. Dottie's granddaughter, Heather took the photo.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Friday Flower Bloggin'
These lovely irises were rescued when a new neighbor in Vineland, NJ threw them out at the curb for the trash to pick up. I brought a few with me to MD. They are a pale yellow and pale orchid.
Have had a busy week with planting, weeding and doing the office work at the church. Last night, we had a going away dinner for our organist. She is moving back to WV, her home town. Her son was killed in a traffic accident last year and she just wants to go home. We shall miss her.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Monday, May 25, 2015
My mother's cousin, Lt. Howard "Cy" Dugan, US Army Air Corp. WWII. Cy was flying a mission over the South Pacific. He was missing in action, presumed dead. He was never found. I never knew Cy but my relatives always spoke so highly of him. I feel as if I did know him. Cousin, Hink, called him the best of the cousins. He is one who "Gave All."
Friday Flower Bloggin'
My beautiful irises blooming all along my sidewalk.
News from the Vorlon Wife
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Remembering Ted on what would have been our 44th Anniversary.
Saturday, May 16, 2015
A beautiful photo of the sunset over the Chesapeake Inn Marina and the Chesapeake City Bridge over the C&D Canal
The photo was taken by my niece's husband, Ed.
Thursday, May 14, 2015
I seem to keep busy with church meetings and office work. Tuesday, I went to exercise class and then to the line dancing class. Monday night their was a Finance Meeting. Wednesday, I went early to do some office work and then to Bible Study. In the evening, I went to the Trustees Meeting.
Tomorrow, I go for my cardiogram and stress test. I hope and pray everything is OK and that my problem is from allergies to the high level of pollen this year. Everyone is complaining about it. The oak trees are done, Thank the Lord. I had oak flowers all over. Tuesday night, I thought it was raining. I could hear it hitting the roof. I now think the wind came up and blew all the maple tree seeds off and they showered the roof. They are all over the place. I swept them from the deck, steps and sidewalks but they are still on the driveway. I never saw such an abundance of tree seeds.
They weeds have gotten ahead of me. I can't keep up with them. Either the pollen gets me or it is too hot. Now I am afraid we have an over abundance of mosquitoes. I saw some small bugs swarming around last night. I hope they were knats. They swarm around like knats.
Juan is coming this morning to put a new light fixture for outside my back door. I bought one that you can change the bulb through the bottom. The ones I have now, I have to climb up on a step stool, unscrew the tiny screws (and hope I don't drop them), take off the top and try to fit my hand in to change the bulb. Then I have to put it back together. It's a real pain. I'll have to get one for the front, too, but Juan is so busy with his job at the plumbing company, his work for a local farmer, his work around the trailer park, and his grass cutting business. I'll wait until late fall to do the front one. The back one is broken so needs to be done now.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
My bleeding heart plants I brought from Vineland. They are blooming above the bank of the stream.
Sunday, May 10, 2015
I went to church for the 9am service and then home to walk Sparky and get my dish ready to take to my nephew's. It was the first time I spent Mother's Day at a pool party with people swimming in the water. It was warm enough but it still seems early to me. We had a nice time with family honoring all the mother's.
I called Ted's mother when I got home and was glad her son, Tom and his wife Mary were spending the day with her.
We had Mother's Day dinner early so I had a little supper and relaxed in the evening.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Saturday, May 9, 2015
Spring has come to Chesapeake City. My flowers are beautiful and the weeds have gotten ahead of me. I haven't been feeling well for over a week. I am coughing but don't have a cold and get out of breath easily. Went to the doctors and been having all kinds of tests. I think I've been to the doctors, lab, and hospital everyday this week for tests. I still have a couple more to do on Friday. EKG, oxygen, and chest x-ray were all normal. Cholesterol is up. I think my problem is all the pollen in the air. It has been extremely high the past couple weeks. Oak trees are pollinating and I am surrounded by them. Their flowers are all over everything. Sparky decided to roll in the grass and he got them all over his fur. What a mess he was. He is coughing and sneezing, too. I am feeling better than I did last week but it is tough to go outside. I had the windows open last week so all the pollen got into the house. This week, it's been hot enough for the air conditioner to go on so I was able to keep the windows shut. Pete from church recommended I wear a mask outside. It sounds like a good idea. Showers are predicted for today but they were last week and never came. I hope it rains, everything is dry and the rain will wash the pollen out of the air and hopefully off my car.
News from the Vorlon Wife