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Wednesday, August 19, 2015
I took my friend Alice to her doctor yesterday. She has back pain and need some kind of shot. She had anesthesia so needed someone to drive her. Sparky was sick with diarrhea. He had a flea on him the other day and I gave him a pill I had for Danny when he go fleas. It's in addition to his Advantix Plus. I covered it in peanut butter. One of them made him sick; either the pill or I gave him too much peanut butter. He is not used to it even though he likes it. He took the pill. Danny would have licked off the peanut butter and spit the pill out.
When I was at the church doing my accounting work, Sparky had an accident in the house. I was supposed to go to a meeting last night but didn't want to leave him. I had to get him out when he needed to go. He got me up at 4:30 to go out this morning. It looks like he is getting better but I'll have to keep a watch on him. If he's not better, he'll have to go to the vet. He hates going there.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Monday, August 16, 2015
It's hard to believe it's the middle of August. The children in this area go back to school on Wednesday. The temps are in the 90's and some of the school buses are not air-conditioned. I wonder if the school is. I always went back to school after Labor Day. The school has 2 weeks off at Christmas. We only had one.
Even though we've had rain, it dries out quickly. I lost two Rhododendrons out back and it looks like an azalea on the west side. I lost over half of it two years ago do to dry conditions. The remainder was doing well but it doesn't look good for this year. We are not allowed to use our garden hose to water. I have a rain barrel but have to lug the water around to water things. I haven't been able to keep up with it. I have a lot of plants.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Friday Flower Bloggin"
Friday Flower Bloggin"
My deck overlooks a rainbow of butterflies covering my butterfly bushes. I have this white one and three purple ones in different parts of the yard.
My friend, Alice and I went for a walk along the canal yesterday for the first time in weeks. She was busy with her doctor and dentist appointments. We had planned to go today but I went to bed with a sore throat and she called this morning saying she didn't get to sleep until 2am. She was going to feed her cats and go back to bed.
The other day, I saw a deer's white flag of a tail high tailing it down the embankment in the back yard, and heard it crashing through the woods on the other side. I saw where it had a tasty lunch on my hosta plants. I have seen their tracks next to the driveway but have never seen them in the yard before. There is a herd of them in the field on the other side of the woods. I heard the owner mowing over there so I guess they have to move out and find food elsewhere. Hostas are their favorite.
It's been cooler this week and the humidity is down. I should be out weeding but with this sore throat, I don't fancy sitting in the wet grass. I have a mat but the water goes through it. It rained last night and the night before so things are pretty wet. It is cloudy today so I don't think it will dry up.
News from the Vorlon Wife.