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Friday, September 18, 2015
Yesterday, I did some weeding and a few loads of clothes. In the evening, I went to Choir practice.
Today, I washed up Sparky's towels. I gave him a bath yesterday. I got ready and went with Alice and her friend, Linda, to run some errands. I got some LED light bulbs at Home Depot. My back door light burned out and I didn't have any 60 watt bulbs. I put a 40 watt in for last night. I also had one of the little globe lights in the bathroom burn out. I found some LED lights that were dimmable. The other kind of bulbs are not dimmable. I found that out when I got some bulbs for my ceiling fan. I had to look around to find them. They were more expensive so I hope they last longer. They're supposed to last 10 years. We shall see. I did get LED for my motion light out back. They should save some money on electric.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
We had our first Choral Practice last night. It went well. We went over our new music for Christmas. I went to Bible Study this morning. We also learn so much and have such wonderful discussions. I gave Sparky a bath this afternoon. I was going to take him to the groomer but I got an email from my Vet saying there is a highly contagious respiratory infection going around and dogs can get it at dog parks, groomers, and even the Vet's offices. Even dogs with K9 Flu Vaccine and Kennel Cough are getting it. What a bummer. I hope he doesn't have to go to the Vet until they come up with a vaccine for it. The Vet said they are working on it.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
9/11 Memorial Service at Pell Gardens, Chesapeake City, MD
Betty, Karol, Sandy and Tina singing "The Star Spangled Banner.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Sunday, September 13, 2013
Choir sang in church this morning. First of the season. Was good to be back. It's cooler today. Mostly cloudy all day until about a half hour ago. Air just went on a few minutes ago. I do have some more photos of churches that I have to download. I took them on the way back from Ocean City last week. I was glad to see my friend, Frances, back in church today. She had a stroke and has been out for a couple months. So glad she is doing better.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Friday, September 11, 2015
I seem to blog less and less often. I spend hours on the computer and don't seem to have the time to blog. I feel bad as I am not keeping Ted's blog going. I haven't been well all summer. I've had all kinds of tests on my heart and lungs and they all come out normal. I have one more test for asthma and if that's normal then I got to a cardiac specialist. I hope I can get this resolved. When I have one of my breathing spells, it takes a couple days to recover.
Tonight, I sing at the 9/11 Memorial for the victims of the World Trade Center, the flight over Pennsylvania, and the Pentagon. I will be singing with my friends from the Church Choir, Sandy, Betty, and Tina. We will sing the Star Spangled Banner, God Bless America, The Battle Hymn of the Republic, and America the Beautiful. I hope it goes well as we have not practiced except for a couple of songs last night. Two of my friends, held the note for Free, too high and too long. ("Land of the Free") It was screechy and I felt ruined the song. It was like some of those awful renditions you hear at ball games. I hope when we practice tonight before the show that it can be ironed out.
Last Saturday, I went to Ocean City, NJ with my friend, Sandy. We was a beautiful day and just perfect for the beach and boardwalk. We arrived at 9:15a, and walked along the edge of the water. The water temp was quite warm but what's a walk along the water's edge without a big wave rolling in and splashing all the up to my hips. There was a nice breeze so we dried off quickly. We went up on the boardwalk at the Music Pier where they have a spigot to wash the sand off the feet. We brought towels to dry our feet so we could put on our shoes. We used the restroom there and continued our walk to the end of the boardwalk. We turned around and walked back. It was 10:45 and the Hula Grill didn't open until 11:00 so we walked back to the Music Pier where they had a craft show. We looked around and I bought a nice painted clam shell with an Ocean City Beach scene. My master bath is decorated with a nautical theme.
We had a nice lunch at the Hula Grill and then continued our walk down the boardwalk visiting the little shops along the way. We finished at out starting point of 17th Street. On the way home, we stopped at a Bar B Que stand and got some ribs to take home to dinner.
Robin, next door dog sat Sparky for the day. He stayed over night on Friday with her and her children. They love playing with Sparky and he enjoys their company.
I want to visit my friend, Phyllis, tomorrow. She and her husband, Len have a motor home and travel all over the country. They will be at her daughter's until the 14th but it is a two hour drive and I don't feel like driving by myself. I should have checked with my brother and my friend, Dottie to see if they'd like to go and then with Robin to see if she would be available for Sparky. Everything seems to be such a hassle anymore.
My niece and her son are sick. He started pre-school and some kid came to school sick and now many of the other kids and their parents are sick. It will probably be that way all year.
I was hoping to go on a vacation this year but with this respiratory problem I've been having, I just wasn't up to going anywhere. I hope it's resolved soon.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
I have been busy doing yard work that I wasn't able to do all summer. I have had some respiratory problems. So far, all my tests have come back normal except my cholesterol is up. I have one more test tomorrow.
The weeds have gotten out of control. We had a lot of rain until the last few weeks. Now it is bone dry and I lost 2 rhododendrons and 3 azaleas. We are not allowed to water with the hose so I have to tote gallon bottles of water around to water them. My rain barrel is empty. I bottle the water from my shower. It is so far away from the hot water heater that I fill up a gallon bottle before the water warms up. I use this on my house plants but now use it on the out door plants.
Sparky has been sick with digestive problems. He was on a chicken and rice diet. I finally was able to put him on his regular dog food but he threw up on the sofa. Luckily, I had it covered with a mattress pad and sheet. He seem to be OK yesterday. I have to literally pry his mouth open and shove the pill down his throat, hold his mouth shut and rub his throat until he swallows it. If I don't get it back far enough, he spits it out and I have to try again. I give him a piece of chicken afterward. Such fun.
News from the Vorlon Wife.